MultiVitamin and Mineral Supplements (MVMS) are available in a wide range of dosages and many of the nutrients come in different forms. Some forms are more effective than others and healthier for the body. US Health Agencies determined a necessary daily recommended amount for reach vitamin and mineral that appears to prevent obvious deficiencies for most of the population. But they only did lip service to how the different forms impact health. Remember, some of the research to suppport vitamin formulas are sponored by Vitamin Companies.
Vitamin Design flaws occur in multi-vitamin formulas:
The US Health Agencies later added the higher safe amount for vitamins and minerals to go along with the necessary bottom RDI amounts. Thus, there is now a range of vitamins and minerals from low to high that appear healthy and are available in multi-vitamin formulas. These amounts have to be added to the amount of vitamins and minerals from food to make sure totals stay within acceptable ranges. NOTE: There are a few subsets of individuals that will respond adversely to amounts less than the upper so called safe amount. Nerve damage from vitamin B6 is one example where both a deficiency and an excess exhibit nerve damage. article Another example exists for immune compromises at amounts considered safe for synthetic folic acid. article The natural form of folate does not manifest this adverse impact at these levels.
Plus, if there are different vitamin forms available, the form used is not one research revealed has the most benefits with the least possible adverse effects. In addition, certain vitamins exhibit enhanced functions in the presence of synergistic nutrients, such as related vitamin E family members. Or, when one or more nutrients are supplied in usually large amounts, they may interfere with normal metabolism, often during digestion for absorption and assimilation. This can also influence the chemistry, or pH, acid/alkaline balance of body fluids, cells, tissues, and organs. One other influence is the impact of vitamin and mineral dosages and forms on the microbiota, or the mix of different intestinal bacteria. Proper balance enhances health while deviations of bacteria mix can lead to health disturbances.
Health and Vitamin connections are the product of numerous variables. This is one of the reasons nutritional science is part science and part art. No two people are exactly alike and respond the same way in research studies. Thus, attempts to average or harmonize results have to be looked at like grains of sand. They give possibilities and associations rather than absolutes and direct causes. Some studies are positive, some are nil, and others arrive at negative results for the apparently same vitamins and study conditions. Often there are subtle differences such as between natural and synthetic sources of vitamins that while appear similar, can be quite different with unique aspects to help clarify seemingly opposite results. The natural versus synthetic issue, while straight forward in science, becomes a tangled mess in nutritional and medical arenas. Very few Professionals know the truth. Research reveals numerous differences that impact vitamin health protocols.
Synthetic vitamin E and natural vitamin E forms exhibit significantly unique functional levels. a lot of research does not specify which form was used in a study when giving results. This complicates study comparisons. Plus, in food, vitamin E is represented by 8 related forms, each with similar actions but uniquely complementary and synergistic functions. Example: Alpha tocopherol and gamma tocopherol both have antioxidant functions, but alpha works best against oxygen radicals while gamma works best against nitrogen readicals. To completely protect prostate tissue, both are needed. (SELECT STUDY)
Vitamin Workshop provides a guide that coordinates many different complex vitamin health variables into a rather simple vitamin criteria for picking a healthier multi-vitamin formula. Factoring in the consideration of negating numerous vitamin design flaws, this criteria, while of course not 100% correct, may be the best vitamin science study referenced research resource available today. Modify with your medical team for your personal health conditions.
Why this criteria is unique?
This new vitamin criteria is for nutritional purposes only. In fact, one unique aspect of the vitamin design flaws exposed by Vitamin Workshop 101 is that these flaws are mainly about the nutritional functions of vitamins and minerals and how this relates to health and disease.
"over 98%* of current MULTIPLE VITAMIN products contain flaws in vitamin forms, dosages, and or missing synergistic combinations."
For example, cancer cells divide very rapidly and have to hijack normal body cell division nutrients, folates and vitamin B1, to continue this rapid growth. Another example, when illness causing viruses enter the body, immune system cells produce a free radical to attack and destroy these viruses before they get to reproduce and develop a viral cold. Taking too many antioxidants could neutraize these free radicals and prevent them from destroying the viruses. Research has verified this event.
Other Issues
Most other websites that tackle multi-vitamin formula issues deal with quality of ingredients or faults in manufacturing. More appropriate ones also deal with forms, but very few handle the functional issues as presented by Vitamin Workshop 101, especially the new supportive scientific research.
In addition to these quality issues, there are also potential spoilage and rancidity issues as well as contamination issues from bacteria and heavy metals. While Vitamin Workshop 101 mainly focuses on nutritional applications, the other issues mentioned above are dealt with in product recommendations, even though not mentioned. This is why such a tiny percentage (far less than 5%) of currently available multi-vitamin formulas measure up to this new vitamin criteria guide.
*Actually it is 100% of Multi-Vitamins, but a few have enough guality ingredient forms, mostly correct dosages, proper ratios, and are only missing the famiy members, that with a couple of additional vitamin families added separately, they will suffice. Vitamin Families include Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and extra minerals added when needed, too. While a few of the acceptable Multi-Vitamins include some of the vitamin family members, the dosages are usually not sufficient and more is needed to enhance health benefits.
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A most critical aspect of vitamin flaws regards how long it takes for any adverse effects to manifest. Fortunately, most are slow to develop and many require other conditions to also be present. It is the disruption of a cascade of processes that is often involved since vitamins and minerals are often part of enzymes. But, there are a few vitamin flaws that can quickly act to support disease instigators.
First, a look at the processes involved.
These are just some of the conditions that vitamins and minerals in MVMS might influence with an unfavorable result. Guidance to prevent flaws for effective MVMS choices should be priority one.
Examples of Fast Design Flaw Actions
These are just some of the possibilities. There are others. Individuality factors into nutrient levels for ractions. Since there are simple ways to mitigate or eliminate many of these vitamin flaws, doesn't it make sense to adopt them just in case you are one of the more sensitive individuals? For your great health!