Proper use of Multi-Vitamin Supplements
Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 10:30AM
Team RightWay

Here is where to find the new guideline, Multiple Vitamin Criteria  But, first, some background for HOW TO PROPERLY USE VITAMINS which adds clarity about how this new guide enhances and complements body functions.*


All of these aspects are explained with scientific support in the articles of this website.  

Now, this next article, Vitamin Issues, gives more detailed points leading into the new vitamin criteria. Yes, you can go directly to the new vitamin criteria, but the Vitamin Issues article clears up many of the questions generated by the new vitamin criteria.

* While vitamin supplements may have some roles to play, the food mix you eat is priority one for good health. The acid to alkaline balance is mainly a food element factor, especially for vegetables. Supplement minerals play a role here but care is needed not to overdo mineral balance points. ref provides the vitamin and health connection details and support. provides the practical applications of these details into a safe and healthy multivitamin mineral Program.

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