Vitamin Flaws
Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 11:01PM
Team RightWay


It is difficult to comprehend with the advanced state of scientific research technologies and tools that Multiple Vitamin and Mineral supplements still have numerous flaws and missed health building opportunities in nutrient dosages, forms, and synergistic combinations. Plus, reams of faulty nutritional information still govern far too many dietary theories, marketing stories, and millions of websites. Some of these flaws are even for vitamin dosages within recommended amounts provided by Government Health Agencies. While it is true that only a few of these flaws are serious enough to jeopardize health over the short term, longer use may pose significant health issues difficult to relate back to the consumed vitamins and minerals when future diseases manifest. Thus mainly, most of these flaws represent lost opportunities to simply improve health odds. Many of these missed connections are not yet even recognized by mainstream medicine even though the science is there. It seems obvious that there must be a reason Govenment Health Agencies have missed this new science. Let's get right to these flaws. But first, recognize that...   

...over 95%* of current MULTIPLE VITAMIN products contain flaws in vitamin forms, dosages, and or synergistic combinations.

*Actually it is 100%, but about 5% are close enough that with a little tweaking, they will suffice. 

Here are some of the vitamin flaws and background conditions revealed by new vitamin research. 

Current Multiple Vitamin products fail to consider or satisfy many of these facts. And these are just the tip of the iceberg for potential flaws in multi-vitamin formulas. Below are a few support details for these new facts, but greater detail and scientific support links will be presented in the over 300 other articles on this website. These articles will also attempt to add clarity as to why and how the establishment vitamin health protocols seemingly over-look most of them, or don't think they need to be mentioned. An amazingly intriguing mystery story searching for a plausible ending. But waiting for these necessary changes could jeopardize health.


This reference mentions another aspect in vitamin research studies as to why a positive benefit would not always be a result. If the baseline average level of the test subjects before the study is already at or near the effective level for that vitamin, a beneficial result would be less likely to manifest. This article describes the optimal window of vitamin amounts that exhibit the best healthy body functions, and how both low and excessive could bring on adverse effects.

FYI: This website has some good information about certain vitamin aspects. But it still lacks some vital information that would add clarity and explanations for some of the points mentioned.  


You will not find many of these flaws mentioned in the first pages of search engines like Google. Try going to the very last pages of internet offerings for a particular vitamin issue and you might find websites containing these flaws, or in the scientific journals listed on Over 10,000 Pubmed scientific studies were examined to find these vitamin flaws. 

Here is a list of many vitamin and mineral interaction issues. Of course, most are minor considerations when a variety of foods are included in diet. But, in supplements with higher concentrations, these issues can be magnified and gain significance over time.

Update on Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 11:41AM by Registered CommenterTeam RightWay

How serious are these vitamin flaws?

While all vitamin flaws start out as just minor nuisances, usually not observable outside of the body, the longer they are consumed, the more serious they can become. The very first deficiency vitamin associations where discovered for vitamin C with scurvy and the B vitamins, B1,thiamine, causing beriberi, and B2, riboflavin, causing pellagra. How quickly these diseases show up depends upon the level of vitamin deficiency. Scurvy without vitamin C could show up in just a few months exhibited by Columbus and crew on the Santa Maria in 1492. Over greater periods of time, these flaws could start influencing other conditions such as cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes. Precautionary measures need to began many years before symptoms emerge. This is why studies have trouble relating vitamins to future disease states. 

Some of the body processes that vitamin flaws over time influence include digestion, assimilation, mineral balance, pH control, and intestinal flora balance. Cellular activities are difficult to spot before they manifest into a larger outward observable body disruption. Chief among cellular activities includes energy production in mitochondria, membrane integrity for mineral balance, enzyme functions, antioxidant loads on radical oxidation, plus production of hormone and other messenger elements, especially those from omega fats regulating inflammation.

While the vitamin flaws mentioned on this do not yet all have adequate scientific study support, they should at least kick off the precautionary approach until research is able to verify, one way or the other.

But, the referenced studies do paint a most compelling picture for many, plus phisology is offered to support possible pathways and connections.

Update on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 5:00PM by Registered CommenterTeam RightWay

Why do so many flaws exist?

The simple answer is often the most accurate. Many health systems in the United States are designed to make money mainly off people who are sick. There is one beacon of hope that has not been fully appreciated yet. Insurance companies make more money when people are healthy and not using up insurance company profits. But, they only give a small amount of attention to keeping people healthy. 

Imagine what would happen if insurance payments went directly to Doctors and Hospitals every month only when people were healthy. Accidents don't count.  When one gets sick, they stop paying the Hospitals and Doctors since they have failed. How would this impact treatments and care?

Let's look at one known example. A Doctor tested a patient and told her she had osteoporosis, low bone mass. The Doctor wanted to give here a bone drug. She wanted to first try natural products. The Doctor said OK, but told her they would not work. And said, try them for a month and then come back for another test. After the patient had taken a bone builder product from a vitamin store for a month, she arrived for her approintment and again, the test came back low bone mass. The patient went on the drug and returned the natural bone builder products.

Now, the telling part of this story is that the natural bone builders would take at least 4 months to show any improvement, and that bones naturally take 6 months to complete the bone renewal process and complete mineralization. Since the Doctor obviously knew these facts that bone building taking many months to show any result, he mislead the patient.

The second mistake, is that even when taking the bone drug, one still has to be building bone and should still be taking the nutrients she returned. This of course assumes the bone building product she picked had any science to show effectiveness. And this one did. It was a multi-nutrient product that contained all the known bone builidng elements. The scientific study measured and found improvments in some of the same bone pathway elements the Doctor would have measured to make a diagnosis of osteoporosis. article with facts and references

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