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By default, until a website appears matching the data presented here, THIS WEBSITE will have to suffice as perhaps one of THE MOST SIGNIFICANT SOURCE of Scientifically VITAL Information for EFFECTIVE and SAFE VITAMIN CHOICES. Use website information as a fundamental stepping stone for further research and to verify analytical conclusions. Scientific Studies are linked in the over 270 articles for reference support. Mainly read study abstracts and discussions since the body of studies are often quite technical.
Page index: "What you will find here" is below. The Why and other particulars of this website including "TOPICS of INTEREST" is next. Then "Popular Current Vitamin Issues"
Entries by Title
Click on an entry title below to view the full text of that entry.
Below contains vital information you should know before you take any of the vitamin supplements listed:

- Antioxidant redox balance article
- Probiotic overload article
- Inflammatory cascades ref
- Mitochondrial dysfunction ref article reference ref
- Science Updates Vitamin Theories article
- Excess folic acid on immunity, cancer, and dementia article
- Calcium for or against cardiovascular health article
- iron oxidation article
- Vitamin D dosage for blocking cancer initiation article
- Vitamins on Breast Cancer article
- Vitamin K impacting calcification of arteries and bone building article
- Why does the hormone form of Vitamin D breakdown bone? article
PREFACE: Do not panic at some of the detrimental actions of vitamins exposed in the following articles. The number of people impacted might be really small. A scientific study might say there is a 50% increase in cancer rates, but this is not 50% of test subjects, it is just a number 50% larger than the number of people who would naturally come down with cancer. Say if this number is 8 out of 1000, and the study showed a 50% increased cancer rate, THAT IS REALLY ONLY 4 MORE PEOPLE, or 12 instead of 8 out of a 1000. See how to comprehend research study results here. The information presented on this website is designed so people can make intelligent decisions to Optimize Vitamin Choices for Maximum Health Benefits. This means that any risks would be minimized or eliminated.
What you will find here (many of these concepts are new and still in exploratory stages):
1. The first realistic attempt to demystify controversial vitamin study results
- How can seemingly similar studies of the same nutrient arrive at opposite conclusions
- Studies looking at just food sources of vitamins are mainly positive while studies with supplemented nutrients are all over the gambit from slightly negative to very positive. article
- Nutritional Researchers are violating their own scientific method principles in reporting vitamin study results, especially when reported by mass media news
- There appears to be a few major flaws in connecting vitamin functions with body activities, like for beta carotene and vitamin E
- Using some simple logic and the available scientific vitamin research, novel concepts discovered point to the development of a more rational vitamin criteria than the one that currently just uses RDI levels, but leaves out forms.
2. Why The Science of Nutrition needs Updating
- There are far too many incomplete vitamin premises to allow current false theories to stand uncontested any longer. (antioxidants)
- Recent scientific study results are both expanding nutritional knowledge and challenging some long held and largely assumed past vitamin facts from the 1940's (vitamin D, calcium, selenium, and vitamin E family functions)
- High dose vitamin or mineral supplement spiking can exhibit adverse effects for both fat and water soluble nutrients and normal body processes. ref ref
- Nutrient on nutrient absorption interference is a neglected concept in supplement formulas. article
- Why is the vital balance of antioxidant loads almost completely absent from nutrition? article
- While pH levels of body fluids and tissues wisely only slightly vary, it is the undercurrent of actions or vital minerals used up that is necessary to maintain these pH levels where supplements can play a vital role. ref ref ref
- Vitamins may have beneficial effects, adverse effects, or be neutral depending upon the beginning body level, the size of dosage, and the form used.
- Many vitamins and minerals have adverse effects at BOTH too low or too high amounts ref
- Vitamin supplements can have both benefits and risks, often as dosages vary, body levels change (selenium), or at different stages of disease (cancers), either before, at start up, or during full-blown stage. (cancer cells produce an enzyme to deactivate vitamin D)
3. Beneficial emerging Vitamin Concepts:
- Vitamin C link to Cancer protection discovered here
- Vitamin K influences Bone growth and also offers protection from artery disease plus helps control blood sugar, new discovery less than 10 years ago. (notice dihydrophylloquinone form effects)> ref ref ref article
- Vitamin D expanded roles in immunity, infection fighting, and cancer prevention, > here
- Understanding anti-oxidant load balance, > here
- Vitamin supplement consumers have on average 5% longer telomeres, ref (Dr. Oz recently mentioned this) Equates to a longer life for cells.
- Magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker
- Vitamins C & E reduce inflammatory effects on arteries after high fat meal ref
- CoQ10 improves cardiovascular parameters in heart disease
- OPC's from grape seed extract protect elastin and collagen fibers
- Adverse effects of excess sugar or saturated fat on glycation mitigated by vitamins C, E, and Carnosine
- BUT, vitamins C & E can also eliminate the benefits of exercise on insulin sensitivity (it's just how they function) ref
- Omega 3 fish oils on heart health markers (caution men with prostate cancer)
4. Some NEW adverse vitamin concepts under consideration include:
- High Vitamin A may increase bone fracture rates ref
- Higher carotenoid complex, beta carotene family, could protect bones and limit fractures ref
- Role played by Calcium in arterial calcification, on blood pressure, for cancer cell survival, and relationship to cognitive dementia
- Failure of long term Dairy consumption and calcium without synergistic partners to limit bone fractures, even though it somewhat increases bone density ref ref ref ref
- Excessive vitamin D intake on increasing toxic element absorption, like lead, arsenic, cadmium, etc. ref
- Higher dietary and synthetic Folic acid intake on cancer and dementia ref (Conclusion from reference: High intake of folate may be associated with cognitive decline in older persons. BUT, this reference shows the opposite? And one that shows no influence? This latest ref settles it. Wrap up ref )
- New Folic acid links during late pregnancy with asthma and allergies in children (still very new, needs more research)
- Excess or deficiency of Vitamin B6 on nerve damage ref
- Excess doses of Magnesium and Vitamin C on diarrhea article article
- Iron on oxidative stress and reduced telomere length
- Excessively large Zinc amounts on interference of copper article
- Higher levels of Selenium on diabetes risk article
- Chromium needs caution, some but not too much, especially certain forms ref
- Mega vitamin E as alpha tocopherol on hemorrhagic strokes ref
- Higher Vitamin A & E intake on suppression of vitamin K absorption
- Mega niacin for cholesterol on increasing homocysteine levels
- Low vitamin K levels on artery calcification, varicose veins, and bone integrity
- Chronic High Protein diet on long term kidney function.
- Prostate gland cell growth rate may be controlled by the balance between Osteocalcin forms (very recent discovery). ref article

Popular Current Vitamin issues:
- Strontium for bones - The Good, the Bad and the ....Oh NO! article article
- Natural versus Synthetic Vitamins - Yes, there are some differences but rarely are you given the actual facts. article article
- Food-form or Whole Food Vitamins - Do you know the real story? article article
- Vitamin D - Is it a vitamin or a steroid hormone? Or a lttle of both? article article
- To find your topic of interest: click on SEARCH website or what's NEW in Navigation column on right
- GMO, What's really happening!
VITAL FACT #1: Mother nature over time designed miraculous mechanisms to build and maintain a healthy body.
Concepts to help enhance meanings and recommendations on this website can be found in these articles: The Big Picture of health and Profound Health.
In a hurry? Don't care about knowing the support reasons. Go right to the Vitamin Criteria and finish at (This next section is not avaiable to general Public at the moment - Multiple Vitamin Picks under Finding your multiple vitamin)
THINK OF THIS WEBSITE AS A VITAMIN MANUAL UNDER CONSTRUCTION, NOT THE LAST WORD, BUT WORTHY OF A GOOD STARTING POINT! At least until the FDA limits your access to vitamins and one of your best opportunities for optimal health.
AUTHOR OBSERVATIONS: Having access to information channels not readily available to the public allows for greater insight into the scope of many vitamin industry issues. There are many novel and insightful vitamin concepts presented here, some for the first time.
*The FDA is in charge of consumer health protection. But instead, the overall effect has been to ignore science and become a hand puppet for the pharmaceutical, medical, and food establishment special interests. Numerous examples will be presented throughout this website. The history of artificial sweeteners is perhaps one of the most obvious cases with GMO approval use without even testing finished food a close second.
The Goal for this Vitamin Workshop is simply to help you cut through the critical vitamin supplement issues to make healthier choices, IN SIMPLE EVERYDAY LANGUAGE. Because many other websites claim to offer best advice, this website by default must be the 2nd best guide. No sore jaw here, just tongue pushing out cheek.
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