Profound HEALTH

Modern nutritional science is anything but profound. After just a few hours of reading selected scientific study results, the only common sense conclusion that one could draw is that mainstream medicine and orthodox vitamin health knowledge is quite inadequate to deal with or explain conflicting observable vitamin health facts. In fact, many of these conflicts are generated by recent scientific study results, nor does mainstream nutrition even care that it's theories have flaws big enough to drive a car through them. You will scarely find any information in professional circles on the following vital health issues:
- Effects of Raw versus Cooked Food article
- Value of enzymes in raw foods ref
- Or lack of enzymes in cooked foods
- Pasteurization and homogenization on milk integrity -Govt view first 2, compare to next 3> ref ref MD's letter> ref ref ref
- Hormones in Milk on cancers ref
- Acid / Alkaline balance on body processes -First 1 on bone> ref ref ref
- Different protein sources on bone density ref
- Omega Fats balance effect on inflammatory actions ref
- Influence of different foods on intestinal bacteria makeup and balance plus integrity ref
- Food fiber types on intestinal transit health ref
- Antioxidant balance with free radical generation article
- Sugar speeding up aging process (glycation) ref
- Fructose and overall sugar increasing obesity and metabolic syndrome (fatty livers) ref
- The new connection between bone health and insulin resistance (Vitamin K2) ref ref ref
- Link of dental gum tissue infections to heart disease ref
- Mitochondrial dysfunction as basic cause in degenerative diseases ref
- Mineral ratios and water balance in osteoporosis and heart disease ref ref ref ref ref ref
- Calories, water retention, and dieting weight changes
There are plenty more, but this should give you an idea of some major gaps in the educational and training programs of nutritionists and dietitians. Not many professionals could give the significant details regarding many of the above 15 health connections. Many are simply not covered in traditional medical education.
.....time to tell people the truth........
The science is growing pretty solid for some new vitamin health connections and others that have existed for years, but modern medicine simply refuses to recognize that most of them have any significance. Funny how one government health agency uses some of these issues to establish nutritional guidelines while another agency denies these issues have any relevance.
SIDEBAR: Scientists conduct a lot of vitamin health studies. Results are often mixed. What is needed is greater quality in studies not just more studies. Biases have also become part of study protocols and results often depend upon grant money strings. Public Health demands the utmost and honest scientific criteria.
Since this defies logic, the only rational conclusion is that special interest groups have influenced health agencies and professionals through selective research protocols and biased study results. It is disconcerting to think that economic and political expediency leads to shortfalls in health information that affect people and a healthy life. It is time that scientific health professionals remove their rose colored glasses and simply tell people the truth.
Let's look at one example. Acid / Alkaline balance. Health professionals right now are snickering,- Quack, fraud, scam, because they know that the body will not function or allow itself to vary the pH of tissues or fluids beyond a very narrow window of change. You cannot drink enough cranberry juice to influence the pH of the bladder for the acid theory of cranberry juice to be valid for controlling infections. These subtle changes in pH are not the critical issue. The issue is not the little changes, but what the body has to do to maintain this narrow window of pH from an unbalanced acid or alkaline diet. This takes energy and other vital nutrients away from performing needed functions elsewhere in the body, such as minerals out of bone. ref Check out how pH levels in the blood influence ionized calcium levels. article
The typical American diet is much higher in acid forming elements than alkaline elements. Acids are supplied in animal proteins, some milk products, white flours and sugars. Alkaline elements mainly certain minerals are found largely in vegetables and many fruits. Potassium is the major alkaline mineral from vegetables that the body prefers to use to buffer the high acid residue foods, but the typical diet supplies only 40% of the recommended 4700 milligrams of potassium needed daily. Due to this lack of acid neutralizing potassium, the body calls into use calcium and magnesium stored in bones as back up. Can you think of a reason that this compensatory use of calcium and magnesium might not be in the bodys' best interest?
Did everyone say bone health at the same time? Well, yes, that's part of it. Magnesium has 299 other functions in the body it should be performing, and calcium is needed for muscle action. What if health was really this simple?
NOTE: While pH does remain within a certain narrow range, it does vary a little. Enzymes function at their peak at a certain pH and body temperature. Outside this range, the activity rate of enzymes decreases. Since enzymes play a major role in cellular energy production, and a dysfunction in energy production is a factor of many degenerative diseases, these subtle pH changes may be more of a vital issue than science acknowledges. Yes, the body does have many corrective avenues to protect pH so research will find inconsistencies in such simple descriptions for a nutritional theory. Be sure to thank the body for this. Plus, it is also one of the reasons the body can put up with such abuse for so long before it finally manifests into a noticeable disease state.
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