This entry is about health basics. The little puzzle pieces that make the BIG picture of health complete, but are seldom mentioned in health discussions. It all starts at the cellular level. Basic needs:
- Consuming an adequate supply of required nutrients (the body builds some of these while others like vitamins are needed from the diet)
- Adequately feeding intestinal good bugs (bacteria) with food elements they need and use to help body survive (pH regulation, digestion, immunity)
- Maintaining Energy production in cells
- Manufacturing vital stuff (proteins, enzymes, hormones, DNA/RNA)
- Regulating and directing processes (I.e. above items plus cytokines, postaglandins, plus pH balance*)
- Neutralizing and Eliminating waste
- Protecting and slowing down cellular age
Meet these needs, and health is the major result. It's just that simple and the way it was designed. Even genetic miscues might be reduced and possibly overcome. First, a quick explanation of two vital functions and then how vitamin supplements can help facilitate.
- Mitochondrial Energy Production
Cells need lots of energy to perform their living functions. The most energy intensive usage in cells is by the cell membrane pumps. Hundreds, maybe thousands of pumps are located in the membrane surrounding each cell that control the movement of elements into and out of cells. Minerals are pumped either in or out to set up muscle action, heart beats, nerve flow, water balance, and the regulation of enzyme processing rates.
SIDEBAR: Minerals either flow by themselves into or out of cells, but they need energy from these pumps to move in the opposite direction. There are critical calcium/magnesium pumps, and the other vital pumps move sodium/potassium in opposite directions. This sets up an energy potential in cells for actions such as muscle contraction and nerve flow. These minerals are called electrolites since they have this activity potential, all created by pump movement. Plus, all the minerals are involved in the regulation of pH balance.*
Young cells have hundreds of power plants called mitochondria to produce this energy. As cells age, the number of mitochondrial and the amount of energy each one produces gradually declines. Thus, one KEY for preserving health is to maintain cellular energy production.
Many scientists are now of the opinion that most degenerative diseases have as one of their base causes mitochondrial dysfunction. ref Not enough energy is produced for cells to perform all of their needed functions at an optimal level. This could be as simple as not moving enough minerals into and out of cells to adequately control muscle action and nerve flow. CoQ10 and L-Carnitine are two nutrients involved in energy production and their supplementation has increased energy levels and improved vitality in some studies. Obviously more in older than younger people. PQQ is a rather new supplement that in animal studies shows the ability to increase the number of mitochondria. But, exercise is the main mitochondria builder.
Plus, during this energy production, many free radicals are generated from the oxygen respiration involved steps. The proper balance of antioxidants is important to protect the mitochondria and other body parts from free radical damage, but not interfere in any positive activities the body has found for these free radicals before antioxidants control them. Exercise increases the activity level of antioxidants so more is not always needed.
- Cell Membrane Integrity
Another basic for cell health is cell membrane integrity since the already mentioned mineral pumps are located there. Cell membranes protect cells and transport needed nutrients into and wastes out of cells without allowing undesirable elements to gain access such as toxic chemicals, viruses or pathogenic bacteria. Integrity factors include:
- Essential fatty acids, yes that means FAT. At least the good fats, especially in the form of phospholipids. Phospholipids help carry cholesterol throughout the body since it has a vital role in the integrity of cell membranes.
- Cholesterol. Wait, you mean the body needs cholesterol for membrane health? Might lowering cholesterol jeopardize cell membrane integrity and also the ability of the body cells to fight off infectious diseases. ref Well, yes it does and scientists know this fact yet continue to promote reducing it for everyone. They obviously have judged the risks of heart disease greater than surviving the threat of infections. The odds of contracting a Hospital infection are almost directly related to your cholesterol level. Since germs need to attach to cell membranes and inject their DNA into cells to produce more germs, cell membrane integrity is a factor in fighting off infectious diseases. Higher cholesterol levels, up to a point, actually give greater protection against infectious diseases. Some people naturally have lower cholesterol and don't seem to be subject to the same degree of infections as those who have lowered cholesterol levels by taking drugs.
Cholesterol in membranes controls among other things, how much water goes into and out of cells. Sodium and potassium work here too from Mineral pump transfers. Cholesterol also is the building material for many hormones, such as vitamin D. What type of fats enter and take up residence in cell membranes is critical as well. Trans fats do not belong in cell membranes and hinder proper function. Increased breast cancer rates are associated with higher trans fat levels in cell membranes. Might dementia also be related?
Trans-fats increased in the diet as margarine replaced butter early in the last century. It is interesting that Heart disease and cancers were of little concern before this time. As the 20th Century progressed, so too did heart disease and cancer increase. Is there a connection? Trans fat possible damage came into the Public arena in the 1970s. The FDA finally required itrans fat content added to nutritional labels in 2005. For about 3 decades, Heart disease has been slowly decreasing while in the last 2 decades, cancer deaths are down 20%, largely of course from reduced smoking and related lung cancers. But overall, cancer mortality is catching up with and may soon pass heart disease rates.
Fish oil omega 3 fats as well as monounsaturated olive oil fats and certain omega 6 fats such as from evening primrose are needed for proper functioning of cell membrane integrity, plus hormone production and anti-inflammatory actions.
Now, lets get to the really Basic stuff within the cell:
- GENES - smallest coded material for dictating body appearance and function
- DNA - twisted strands of genes on proteins
- CHROMOSOMES - 23 PAIRS, each containing many of the 25,000 genes wrapped into DNA strands
Without DNA, cells could not divide and form new cells. The DNA directs cell division so that each new cell looks and acts just like the one it came from. When damage occurs and the cells are not exactly identical, a situation exists where that cell could begin to grow and divide uncontrolled and turn into a cancerous tumor. The body has immune system defense mechanisms that search out and destroy damaged DNA in cells before they can jeopardize health.
Science has also found supplements that help prevent DHA damage; Beta Glucans from mushrooms and brown rice, Sulforaphane Glucosinolate from broccoli, and IP6, Inositol hexaphosphate (phytic acid) that functions to help in the repair of damaged DNA. IP6 is found in whole grain cereals and legumes. It can bind with minerals to limit their absorption, sometimes a needed function but other times not if the overall diet is low in minerals.
The most important mechanism for exact cell duplication is actually right on each chromosome. At each end is a cap called a telomere that makes sure identically similar cells are formed. Every time a cell divides and forms another cell, the telomeres shorten a small amount. This protective action, while preventing damage to DNA, also means that cells can only divide a given number of times before the telomeres are so short this protection fiails. This is one regulator of Cell lifespan. Telomere shortening can also be speeded up by detrimental agents such as oxidative stress, cell pollution, lack of antioxidants or some nutrient imbalances. Shortened telomeres increase risk to the body from cell division defects. Thus, for a lifetime of health protection, the wise course would be to maintain telomere length as long as possible without speeding this shrinking process. How? One way Scientists have discovered, take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. Certain formulas have greater actions for this result.
Some cancer cells produce an enzyme called telomerase that prevents telomere shortening. ref This explains how tumors can grow so fast. Cancer cells do not die after a given number of cell divisions like normal cells. Scientists are trying to find a way to stop this telemerase production to slow cancer growth allowing more time for treatments to be effective. Simple, right!
Until this method is found, the best protection is to simply prevent DNA damage to cells. Several nutrients and foods have been found that have DNA protective actions. This information needs greater exposure since once a cancer develops, it continually generates greater survival abilities by using the defenses of the body to limit the effects of medical treatments. Preventing telomere shorting is just one of many devious ways cancer cells try to outsmart body defenses, the immune system. Another way is to excrete an enzyme to breakdown the existing active form vitamin D and prevent more production since this form of vitamin D has anticancer properties.
There are 4 types of body tissues: Nerve, Muscle, Connective ( many subtypes here from soft to hard, bones) and Epithelial (cells that form the linings of arteries, glands, organs, digestive system, and the skin. Collagen proteins form the majority of these body sturctures. Vitamins are not part of the structure of tissues like minerals, but they are necessary to form enzymes that help build and repair tissues.
Caution Note: Many types of Collagens have become popular as supplements for certain health benefits in areas where they function. But, here, too, ther is a caution in that certain cancer cell types can hijack collagen functions to protect tumor growth.
The food elements you eat, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, water, as well as elements created in the body, have to be constantly taken apart and re-assembled to form the basic body tissues or chemical elements that participate in body functions and processes, called metabolism. The most important Metabolic reaction is the production of energy.
Sam-e** participates in the vital methylation process responsible for protecting DNA, building new cells, and destroying toxic elements. When nutrients have parts separated or added, this action changes their polarity. They either acquire a positive charge, a negative charge, or are neutral without a charge. These charge changes generate greater or less reactive force to enter into reactions. Free radicals have a great force and are quenched by antioxidants like vitamins C & E, CoQ10, Selenium and zinc. But a balanced antioxidant load is needed because some radicals have a beneficial function to perform before they are neutralized.
SIDEBAR: Not understanding that the antioxidant load has a balance point for optimal body functions can result in faulty results from scientific studies for otherwise necessary and valuable supplements.
Some Metabolic reactions in the body are regular and normal events. There are a few important issues that can arise here. Metabolic reactions occur in controlled sequences with the elements acted upon changing forms at each stage. If these regular events become unbalanced from deficiencies of any nutrient, one of the stage developed elements could get over-produced and create problems.
Or, another issue is that an unbalanced diet can generate conditions that create new types of metabolic reactions that are damaging. Glycation is one such process creating a reaction of sugars with proteins that causes cross-linking. Skin wrinkles are one observable result. This process has been linked to many degenerative diseases such as dementia, diabetes, and speeding up normal aging. The supplement Carnosine shows promise in reducing glycation adverse effects. Of course eating less sugars is beneficial as well as eating less high temperature cooked foods.
One last metabolic reaction creating problems is inflammation. While inflammatory processes are of value during injuries to immobilize the area for healing, if inflammation becomes chronic, it leads to major diseases, such as heart disease. Fish oils as mentioned above help control the inflammation process along with food elements curcumin and ginger. This is also the area where probiotic bacteria come into play. Certain food elements feed the natural beneficial bacteria and allow them to dominate while certain other food elements also feed the pathogenic producing bacteria which if become dominate, develop diseases, often due to increased inflammatory actions.
* pH balance is supported by mineral ratios and numerous body processes, including gut bacteria participation. Liquids and tissues operate with greater efficiency at a given pH. These processes are life sustaining and the pH only slightly varies either up or down, that is not the issue. What is of extreme importance is what the body has to do to maintain this pH balance. This can involve taking minerals away from other body functions or structures as well as wastefully using up vital energy. One such issue involves taking calcium and magnesium out of bones to maintain blood pH, and also kidney regulation of sodium with fluid balance consequences.
** While Sam-e has vital functions in maintaing the methylation process, and the body produces some, an excess of Sam-e from supplements have been shown to reverse and produce methylation inhibitors that disrupt the methyl cycle. ref The precautionary approach is in place to not take Sam-e unless monitored by a Doctor.
The body has an innate wisdom to distribute nutrients first to the most vital functions and organs to sustain life, and then the rest of available nutrients get to participate in numerous lesser functions. Obviously these lesser functions are still important, but this means that some nutrient deficiencies will not immediately impact living processes, but they will over time. This is why it is difficult for Science to connect vitamin deficiencies to numerous later disease conditions.
One major example of this process is found for vitamin K. First, vitamin K is needed to build proteins for coagulating blood. The seriousness of this function should be obvious. Then, some vitamin K1 is turned into the K2 form and, along with the K2 from certain foods, participates to bind calcium into bone, to prevent calcification of artery walls, plus to regulate blood sugar. There are also proteins produced that fight infections and most likely some cancers as well. Deficiencies of vitamin K, and especially K2, may manifest over time into conditions that generate diseases related to these functions. In order for vitamin D to perform all of it's amazing functions, vitamin K2 has to first activate some of the elements vitamin D produces, like osteocalcin.
It needs to be mentioned here that in order for vitamin D to happen, magnesium is required to initiate the active form of vitamin D, plus a special form of vitamin A, 9-cis retinoic acid, has to combine with this active vitamin D after it joins up with the VDR, Vitamin D Receptor, inside cells. This new compound then activates genes inside the cell to build the special proteins that carry out vitamin D functions, like osteocalcin and the immune system worker, LL-37.
Health is simply generating the proper metabolic reactions without undo stress generation on organs and tissues. Diet plays a major role and can be augmented by the correct mixtures of supplemental vitamins, minerals, food extracts for phyto-nutrients, and probiotic bacteria.
Animal studies show a restriction of the amount of food consumed extends lifespan. Difficult to study this effect in humans, but it makes sense to eat as clean a diet as possible to limit metabolic stress, especially the glycation reactions of excess sugars on proteins which are known to speed up aging.
Some people show more concern for the type of oil to put in their car rather than the quality of oils and fats they put in their body.
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