What is the Current Reality?
- Scientific Research has uncovered a number of intrinsic design errors in ALL current Multi-Vitamin supplement formulas. pages
- Why are these not being acknowledged and communicated to the vitamin consuming Public?
- These design flaws are generated by inferior Vitamin Forms, inappropriate Dosages and Ratios, and/or missing vital Synergistic Nutrients.**
- Example - Scientific study conclusion > "People with the highest blood levels of ALL eight of the vitamin E family forms exhibited a reduced risk for Alzheimer's" Real Vitamin E - Vitaminworkshop.com
- Since 99% of multi-vitamins contain only one of the 8 forms of the Vitamin E family, does this mean the vitamin consuming Public misses out on this thoughtful benefit? ref ref ref And what about for other diseases? ref ref ref
The New Vitamin Reality Solution
- Therefore, Vitamin Workshop 101, by default, offers the unofficial, updated, and only slightly abridged, new Multi-Vitamin criteria together with supporting science necessary to enhance health benefits for the vitamin consuming Public. criteria
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Why do multi-vitamin formulas have so many design flaws?
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- Balance of Nature Analysis < Current Hot Topic. Real Fact: Equals 1/4 of one serving! One apple is one fresh fruit serving.
- HOW TO PROPERLY TAKE VITAMINS <some Background basics
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Yes, there are still vitamin issues and controversies needing clarification. Until these are settled, the Vitamin Workshop 101 Precautionary Principles should be in play.
- Improve diet and lifestyle protocols
- Take a low dosage Multi-Vitamin with proper formats to complement dietary nutrients (less than 2% of current products qualify)
- Occasionally, skip days taking vitamins to clear body storage and avoid overloads ref ref
- Get a yearly Medical Physical to spot changes early
- Work with your Medical team to address any special needs or conditions
- Utilize new Scientific research findings to enhance protocols (this requires guidance)
- Realize there are significant faults in some current nutritional theories and recommendations
- Be wary of online vitamin advice and verify recommendations from ALL resources
The practical consequences of this vitamin resource information are now available at: www.vitaminworkbook.com
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