New Science of Vitamins

Nutritional science is not set in concrete, or at least it should not be. BUT many current mainstream theories refuse to change in the light of challenging new research results. Yes, Virginia, this is an editorial and not yet complete facts. Cartoon from, La Jolla Elementary School
How True Science Evolves
The way True Science works is that an hypothesis is developed that appears to satisfy observations. Then Scientists conduct appropriate studies which either strengthen or disprove. Based on early nutritional research, a set of theories was developed, and for quite some time, studies appeared to support. But, over the last couple of decades, results of new, especially larger and longer term studies are revealing contradictory findings. Unfortunately, science also takes a long time before old flawed theories are abandoned and new ones generated and accepted.
ONE significant theory now full of holes and leaking.....:

- Germ theory expanded to include growth medium influences (conditions in the body determine if a germ grows causing a disease or is harmlessly destroyed)
- Folic acid levels (both high & low) on colon cancer, prostate cancer, and dementia (plus relationship to B12)
- Antioxidant Load Balance (harmony of oxidation vs reduction or redox) article
- Excess Calcium intake on long term lifespan of bone building cells
- Deficiency of Magnesium and high calcium to magnesium ratio on CVD, Bones, and cellular mineral balance ref
- Iron oxidation
- Viamin E International unit criteria (Family members need to be included, not just alpha tocopherol, 1 of 8 members)
- Vitamin D influence on adverse Calcium actions
- Use of Natural or Synthetic Vitamins noted in research results
- Absorption pathways for vitamins to limit interference (Alpha E on other E family members, vitamin K, and CoQ10)
- Mineral balance ratios and consequences of body compensatory actions
- Acid alkaline balance and consequences to vital body nutrients ref
- Excess Selenium intake on Diabetes risk (from SELECT study)
- Reality of Dietary food choices resulting in vitamin and mineral deficiencies
- Trans Fat intake on elevating Breast Cancer risk
- Vitamin K status as a marker for bone building (activation of Osteocalcin) ref
- Vitamin K activation of Matrix Gla protein to limit artery calcium build up
- CoQ10 and other nutrients involved on mitochondrial (energy producer) dysfunction
- Vitamin K forms on balance of Osteocalcin factors and blood sugar regulation plus certain cancers are also impacted, prostate for one. ref
NOTE: Gene mutations can influence these condtions in both ways
Science isn't necessarily ignorant of all these concepts, they just mostly choose to remain silent or dismiss their influence on health. For example, they know about acid alkaline balance, but just dismiss it's significant by saying the body has great compensatory mechanisms to always keep the pH (acid /alkaline ratio) of fluids and blood within a very narrow range.
Indeed, the body would not survive if the pH moved outside of this narrow range for very long. That is not the issue. The issue is what the body has to do and what energies and nutrients it has to take from other body processes to accomplish this pH balance. A change in pH of the blood from greater consumption of acid forming foods means the body has to use up potassium and bicarbonate, or if potassium is not available, calcium and magnesium. You would be correct in assuming some of that calcium comes out of bone. Bones store extra calcium just for that purpose. But that is a very expensive use of calcium.
Vegetables and fruits are main suppliers of potassium, and that is how they protect bones. Plus, most are also alkaline which is helpful too. Sugars, grains, fats, and proteins are mainly acid. Simple chemistry.
- Fats form into 2 basic groups although there are a few more. The big two: Omega 3 and Omega 6. The body needs some of each. Historically, mother nature more or less supplied these two forms within given ratios to one another. Beef from cattle grazing on pasture grass maintained this ratio of about or less than 4 to 1 for omega 6 to omega 3. And the body adapted to this ratio over time. But, when cattle left the grass pastures and ended up eating more grains in feed lots, this fat ratio ballooned to over 15 to 1. The grass fed the bacteria in cows 4 chambered stomachs that makes more omega 3. Grains do not. Over a ratio of 5 to 1, it becomes progressively more difficult for the body to maintain health. The principle change is that inflammatory channels do not have enough limiting nutrients to control. Inflammation is at the heart of many degenerative diseases.
- Second, nature put the right amount and ratios of minerals, mainly potassium and sodium, calcium and magnesium, in whole natural state foods to maintain body pH levels. But, processes, such as the wheat rollers which eliminated the bran, plus the cooking and baking practices added more sodium and with the elimination of potassium in foods, like peeling potatoes, changed this natural healthy balance to an unfavorable ratio.
- Last, the introduction of refined grains and sugar added to food and drinks has overtaxed the ability for the body to control blood sugar metabolism. This also provides far too many empty nutrient calories for the body to remain in a balanced homeostatic state.
These three changes remain the major challenges in the 21st century. And they are all interrelated into one rather giant disease generating nightmare. Only when you wake up, they are still there.
The only common sense answer is that the system of scientific medicine is broken. Science is no longer operating in search of truth, but for expediency to support mainstream medicine and supportive cast members; insurance companies, drug companies, food companies, hospitals, medical professions, medical suppliers, and the politicians who get campaign contributions.
Is their another logical reason why over lifetimes, 1 in 2 Americans get heart disease, and 1 in 3 get cancer? ref The cancer rate in women is growing to almost the same as overall heart disease. ref