Nutrient Food Lists

Vitamin Workshop concepts in a Nutshell
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Check out What's New for the latest health vitamin connections.
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Vitamin Cautions Explained
Precautions exist for Folic Acid, Selenium, Calcium, Zinc, Beta Carotene, Vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, C, D, & E. Why there are so many DESIGN FLAWS in multi-vitamin formulas may be a mystery to some, but after discovering the new vitamin reality presented on this website, the mystery will disappear.
Have you heard this before?
New large study research found an association between higher vitamin B6 (>35mg) and B12 (>20 mcg) intakes with 50% increased risk of hip fractures. article The reason is unknown, but theories are offered! ref
Plants and trees take in CO2 from the atmosphere to help growth. As CO2 levels increase from the burning of fossil fuels, volcano eruptions, ocean water temperature changes, and melting permafrost, plants and trees have been busy growing faster and larger. In fact this fun fact has lead to the re-greening of many non plant areas of the planet. NASA over the last decade has been measuring this effect from satellites in space taking pictures. article
So far, this re-greening has impacted an area twice the size of the continental United States with new plant and tree coverage. This will significantly slow down any climate changes as this new green area growth will absorb quite a lot of future CO2 emissions. This gives Nations more time to make and implement non CO2 energy changes. article
The Sun is due to flip poles within a year. Have to wait and see what the effects will be from the increased release of electromagnetic energy coupled with this event. Were the Northern Lights showing up in lower altitudes recently a beginning? article
A Reference to first link nutrient content of foods, then nutrient functions to disease conditions.
In case you haven't heard about this before, the HEI or the FQS are ways to measure the health aspects of the SAD, Standard American Diet. Researchers need to evaluate this score in studying the results of health studies. It is vital to remember that this number only reflects the USDA's healthy recommendation amounts for the different vitamins and numeral nutrients, but not necessarily for other phytonutrients including the two types of fibers. It also includes and measures nutrient densities within food groups. But, it contains many flaws since it is not only based upon the RDIs, Recommended Daily Intake, but also must incorporate the cost of food service quantities for free meals, etc. And, little if any consideration of cooking methods, fresh, frozen, or raw, but it does differentiate between whole and processed grains. ref
The FDA has recently changed the way some nutrient dosage and units are expressed on labels. article See Government site examples. These examples show the old units in (400IU) after the new units so one can get an idea of conversion. It will be confusing for some time. Here are the changes for food labels.
Do New Label Requirements Clarify or Confuse?
While the FDA label changes are probably designed to improve label information, any change take time before Public confusion dissapates since the old methods have to be wiped clean before the new ones simplify.
It appears that companies might still be able to hide or disguise nutrient sources and whether vitamins are natural or synthetic, since information could be listed in ingredients below nutrition box where customers are not used to looking. This might not have been an oversight, but a special interest perk. It is the information that cannot be added to labels that also forms issues of confusion.
Some Nutrient Daily Values have changed based on recent science as well as some RDI, Recommended Daily Intake, plus also some units of measure. ref <Check out increases and especially decreases, some very significant. Potassium RDI under the old system was only achieved by less than 20% of the population, so the RDI amounts were lowered by almost 40%. Was this change for Public Health or to reduce Federal meal costs since each meal is required to have 33% of RDI for each vitamin?
A new term has emerged, DFE , standing for Dietary Folate Equivalent. Since supplement folic acid is absorbed better than natural food folates, to equalize these differences, a DFE number is given not based on weight. Under the new labels, synthetic folic acid would have a smaller weight number than the natural form and may give the impression of lower value, so the DFE number hopes to balance this factor so the synthetic is not perceived as a negative.
CRITICAL NOTE: Scientists have discovered that over a certain dosage, the synthetic folic acid spills into the blood stream as unmetabolized folic acid. This unmetabolized folic acid suppresses natural killer cell activity of the immune system. A factor that could prove negative depending upon other conditions. Plus, synthetic folic acid has also shown up in blood tests of babies from mothers who did not consume supplements. This means it was just from the synthetic folic acid used to fortify grain foods.
Don't expect these new rules for labels are just for clarification. They look like an attempt to cloud the differences between natural and synthetic vitamins. Plus, using weight only instead of iinternational units for vitamin D and E will take some time for the Public to adapt. Certain entities benefit from these changes while others may be hurt. Rarely is the Public the one benefiting. Why was the importance of Potassium reduced so much? Is this another example of special interest tampering? Watch for updates on this issue.
Remember: Old research and articles used the old system which will make it difficult to compare to the new system, especially once the voluntary inclusion of the (old units) gets discarded off labels.
Health grows from fertile soils. Good soil is alive with living organisms as well as abundant nutrients. These elements in good soil produce healthy and nutritious plants and healthy animals that feed on them. Most of these soil elements get recycled back into the soil through various processes to renew the health of the soil. But over time, soil fertility tends to diminish even with abundant fertilizing intervention. ref ref
There are natural cycles that need to be respected to maintain soil quality. In the largest scope of influence, glaciers growing and retreating grind rocks into dust which is then transported either by rivers or wind to re-fertilize soils. This cyclical action renews soil that is weakened by plant overgrowth, erosion from rain washing nutrients down to the ocean, wind blowing nutrients away during dry seasons as well as food crops transportation away from growing areas. The changes that soil fertility influences are the type of trees that grow in a particular area and the size of leaves that have a direct link to creating climate weather patterns above the land. Chief among these are represented by broad leaf trees should as maples being replaced by pine needle trees. ref ref ref
Eventually the loss of soil fertility generates the need for another ice age of numerous degrees. It's a necessary and natural cycle. It is interesting to note that many commercial fertilizers contain rock processing gravel dust.
Here is the Cycle
Signs that expose the need for new glacial activity are showing up more and more lately as plants and trees are suffering health issues. There is talk about spreading the glacial melt dust from Greenland to fertilize the worn out earth soils. ref But, this would be a challenging feat.
Now, this cycle information should have raised some vital questions for the processes used by large scale commercial farms to produce food for humans and animals. And you would be right. The food crops grown are showing signs of reduced nutrient amounts from weakening soil fertility, even with the use of certain fertilizers. Higher crop output is often offset by lower nutrient content of food.
Plus, the erosion and element runoff from commercial fertilized farms flowing into the sea is disrupting sea life. ref This is a major problem that organic farming attempts to address. But, it too has contamination and runoff problems. article Backyard farming should be mainlined.
Of Interest: plants and trees love CO2. Since fossil fuel burning has increased atmospheric CO2 levels, the earth is experiencing a re-greening with increased greens growing in new areas, like deserts, equal to cover an area the size of the United States. This has been verified by NASA pictures from space. This result is trapping more CO2 and slowing down increase trend.