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 Vitamin Workshop concepts in a Nutshell


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Check out What's New for the latest health vitamin connections.

FYI: A number of references linked have added pop ups blocking pages for cookie policies. Find other references. 

Vitamin Cautions Explained

Precautions exist for Folic Acid, Selenium, Calcium, Zinc, Beta Carotene, Vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, C, D, & E. Why there are so many DESIGN FLAWS in multi-vitamin formulas may be a mystery to some, but after discovering the new vitamin reality presented on this website, the mystery will disappear. 

Have you heard this before?

New large study research found an association between higher vitamin B6 (>35mg) and B12 (>20 mcg) intakes with 50% increased risk of hip fractures. article The reason is unknown, but theories are offered! ref 


Plants and trees take in CO2 from the atmosphere to help growth. As CO2 levels increase from the burning of fossil fuels, volcano eruptions, ocean water temperature changes, and melting permafrost, plants and trees have been busy growing faster and larger. In fact this fun fact has lead to the re-greening of many non plant areas of the planet. NASA over the last decade has been measuring this effect from satellites in space taking pictures. article

So far, this re-greening has impacted an area twice the size of the continental United States with new plant and tree coverage. This will significantly slow down any climate changes as this new green area growth will absorb quite a lot of future CO2 emissions. This gives Nations more time to make and implement non CO2 energy changes. article

The Sun is due to flip poles within a year. Have to wait and see what the effects will be from the increased release of electromagnetic energy coupled with this event. Were the Northern Lights showing up in lower altitudes recently a beginning? article




WARNING: If you have prostate cancer or a family history of it, DO NOT take SELENIUM untess you know your body level is low, and then not over 50 mcg. Work with your medical team. Since many U.S. soils measure high selenium, produce grown would have ample amounts. While at certain levels selenium exhibits prostate cancer cell arrest, it is the factor of increasing diabetes risk that is troublesome. Medical supervision paramount for higher selenium use.  

Males and Females have much more in common than they have unique. But there are a few topics considered in Man's World that are usually only talked about for men. Prostate troubles number one.  That Testosterone and Estrogen are common in both males and females is quite startling news to some. City of Hope on Prostate.  

Why do American males and men in highly developed countries have much higher rates of prostate conditions than men in countries closer to nature with less modern conveniences? Is it diet, lifestyles, environmental, a combination of them all, or something entirely unique and unknowned.  ref  ref  ref    ref  This last reference questions diet connection with a caution >sponsored by the cattle and dairy industries. Here is one on overall diet ref And ones for overall stats related to calcium (Dairy). ref ref This ref is why whole grains and legumes containing IP6 have PC preventative properties. Here is some potential good news for green tea polyphenols on PC. ref

  • CAUTION: Most Bicycles are not really built for males. Sitting on a little seat for long periods probably puts too much stress and pressure on prostate gland area. article 

There are also large differences in racial percentages on prostate cancer (PC) rates that need to be researched. In the USA, Blacks have almost double the rate and more aggressive forms than the overall population. Lifestyle as well as genetics may play large roles. The change from native diets also could be a factor, but more studies are needed. Vitamin D levels may be one factor. ref  Both low and high present problems. How to protect prostate tissue and keep bones strong, yet not increase calcium levels in blood, especially in the ionic form.

Caution: While calcium and dairy have been studied and found to be difficult to determine direction of effects on prostate, the bottom line concept that is related to PC spreading is a relationship of prostate cancer cells and bone mechanics. ref PC cells adopt bone like properties and attach to and influence bone cells. This is why PC often spreads to bones. It is this aspect that calcium, dairy, or bone related vitamins D and K might influence. new ref

The fact that study results vary so much study to study with often opposite results makes it hard to find common threads. One study shows low fat dairy associated with more prostate cancers while another shows it is high fat dairy. There is always the possibility that a completely different set of factors is really the driving force, such as a chronic acid diet, or lack of vitamin E family anti-oxidant factors (ref), or inflammatory actions influenced by fatty acids, or insulin growth factors, or hormones, or simply a mutated family gene. Only about 9% of prostate cancers are considered hereitary. So far, two faulty genes have been linked to PC, but they only represent a tiny fraction of that 9%. All these factors might play roles and this makes it very difficult to verify proper protocols for prevention and treatment. Check out why another aspect of cow's milk may be suspect. ref  ref  Females need to check this out too. Summary of many dairy/calcium studies.

VITAL NEWS: Out of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine comes a new revelation. It appears that since calcium studies are controversial and do not show consistent results one way or the other for Prostate Cancers, it could very well be magnesium levels that play a more consistent influence plus the ratio of calcium to magnesium appears to offer insight. ref ref ref  ref

Of Interest: It appears that since the prostate exhibits a rapid growth during adolescence, this period of time may set the stage for later prostate cancer. The prostate continues to slowly grow from age 35 onward by about 1% per year. This reference looked at alcohol intake and found an association between higher alcohol intake regardless of age and the aggressive form of prostate cancer. Breast cancer and alcohol intake already have an established association.


While not just a male thing, there is one element that appears to only be of influence in males. The bone connected hormone, Osteocalcin, produced by vitamin D acting on bone building cells, works to increase testosterone and is a factor in male infertility. Osteocalcin has two forms in the body. One as it is produced by bone building cells, called undercarboxylated osteocalcin (uOC), and the other as the vitamin K2 converted form called gamma-carboxylated osteocalcin (cOC). The uOC form acts on the pancreas-bone-testis axis by attaching to Leydig cells of the testis for testosterone biosynthesis. The uOC also works on pancreatic beta cells and muscle cells to control glucose insulin regulation. Of critical importance here is the newly discovered facts that, in test tube study, uOC stops prostate cancer cell growth while cOC speeds up cancer cell growth. ref article


Thus there is a critical balance point in supplementing amounts of vitamin D and vitamin K forms to maintain osteocalcin production and a proper ratio between the uOC and the cOC forms. Too much or not enough vitamin D or vitamin K2 could upset this balance and jeopardize one or more of these important functions. The cOC is the form that binds calcium and other minerals into crystals to form bone tissue. Doctors have for a long time been measuring the level of the cOC form to use as a marker for determining bone building activity. What this test really shows is the action level of vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is found in foods such as fermented cheese, fermented soy called natto, and some meats. Dietary leafy greens supply vitamin K1. Some of this K1 does get converted to K2 in the body. Certain intestinal bacteria also can produce vitamin K2. But, generally, the American diet is low in supplying enough dietary vitamin K2 since fermented foods are disappearing, plus the vitamin K2 producing bacteria in the intestinal tract suffer from antibiotics plus the lack of fiber and resulting pH control. ref

QUESTION: The proper supplement amounts for vtiamin D and vitamin K to maintain the effective balance between uOC and cOC are not yet known or even been researched. Also possible body corrective mechanisms need to be discovered. Supplement companies offer many different amounts. Precautionary amounts and forms are offered in this new vitamin criteria until definitive levels are established. 

Possible processes working to create Prostate Problems.

  • BPH, Swelling from inflammation in prostate gland closes off urethra slowing down or stopping urine flow
  • Retained urine leads to conditions for bacterial infections that increase inflammatory state
  • Vascular calcification in vessels that feed prostate interfere with nutrient and hormone movement article  <One type of condtion
  • Higher levels of DHT found in prostate gland, increases swelling (even as testosterone levels fall overall)
  • Testosterone levels fall while estrogen increases

 To slow down or reverse these factors


Candidates for Prostate Cancer (PC)

 There are a few associations that warrant further investigation right away.

  • Does supplemental Chondroitin influence prostate cancer spreading? 

Prostate research has uncovered that higher chondroitin levels around the prostate gland increase the production of a particular protein called versican. This proten attaches to prostate cancer cells and may speed up their spread into other areas of the body. More aggressive prostate cancers are associated with a greater concentration of versican. ref But, chondroitin can also increase another protein called decorin which serves to lower prostate cancer spreading. What influences which one is dominate is still unknown?  Or, if there is some way to lower versican and raise decorin.  

The question at hand is does taking supplemental chondroitin contribute to body levels of versican around the prostate or is chondroitin destroyed in the digestive process since it is such a large molecule?   And thus only chondroitin made in the body influences the prostate? While this issue is still under investigation, the precautionary principle is in play and only glucosamine should be used for joint health. But even glucosamine has some issues in certain situations. article

NOTE: Hyaluronic Acid (HA) also exhibits this potential prostate tumor promotion aspect, or it's suppression, depending upon which one of HA processing enzymes is dominate. ref  The molecular size of the HA molecule might also be a factor, with larger generally protective while smaller often detrimental. (to help absorption, vitamin companies break up the larger HA molecules into smaller ones) This is potentially serious as Nutritionists are promoting HA as a fountain of youth. article Note breast cancer link in last reference. Dr report  ref ref   ref   ref

  •  Does a higher Alpha Linolenic Acid intake contribute to Prostate Cancer?

An older study out of Romania revealed that men with higher intakes of Alpha Linolenic Acid, a fat found in flaxseeds, meats, dairy, plus canola, soy, and walnut oils, had increased rates of prostate cancers. This study found most of the ALA was from meat. It is possible that something else in the meat was also a contribuing influence, or maybe even the main factor.

Alpha linolenic acid is an omega 3 fat. Some ALA converts in the body into the same Omega 3 fats as found in fish oil, EPA and DHA. Since omega 3 fats help reduce inflammation and disease, this association was a somewhat shocking discovery.  ref   updated study

FYI: There appears to be two types of prostate cancer. The more regular slow growing one that men can live with for many years, or the rare aggressive fast growing one with a higher mortality rate. These two types may have different initiating conditions.

Over the 2 decades following the Romanian study, other research looking into ALA and prostrate risk did not always arrive at the same conclusion. A recent meta analysis looking at 16 studies, found only 6 with a weak link for increased prostate risk, and mostly with the more advanced aggressive form. These studies all measured the amounts of ALA in blood or tissues rather that the intake amount of the diet. ref  ref  ref  ref  ref

CAUTION: Research has discovered a link between higher alpha linolenic acid intakes and the eye condition macular degeneration in both men and women.  ref

Many people take Flaxseed oil as a source of Omega 3 fats. Until more research settles these issues, the prudent approach if you have a family history of prostate cancer or eye conditions might be to limit flaxseed oil to just a couple of times a week and use more of the whole seeds ground up instead. The macular degeneration link may put a damper on flax oil sales as this condition shows increasing numbers. 

  • What about Lycopene from tomatoes?

In an animal study, Researchers tested tomato paste, tomato powder, or tomato paste (lycopene source) with a concentrated ingredient from tomatoes, a ketosamine, FruHis. Only the last group, paste with FruHis, showed major protection against prostate cancer cell tumors. The other groups did not exhibit fewer tumors or live as long. Gained from other studies, Lycopene by itself does not work, it needs to interact with the ketosamine, FruHis. ref  To get enough lycopene and ketosamines for this protection only from tomato products requires very large portions. Remember, animal study results are not always the same as in human studies, but... 

  • Higher levels of free calcium in blood are associated with increased prostate cancer deaths.

Vitamin D is being recommended for many cancers including prostate. And indeed it appears higher amounts of the storage form of vitamin D as 25(0H)D3 are needed to protect prostate tissue since they develop the hormone D form right in the prostate cells.  ref    ref

A new study looking at the level of free calcium circulating in the blood compared to calcium bound with protein and total calcium found an association of greater risks for advanced prostate cancers and deaths at higher free calcium levels. Here is a study showing higher pH blood levels (alkaline) lowers free calcium. ref Vitamin D binding protein levels also impact prostate cancer. ref 

While kidney disease influences the free calcium levels, greater vitamin D intake can be associated with higher amounts of free calcium too. This needs scientific research to quickly verify how this plays out.

SIDEBAR: Since the research on Vitamin D levels as 25 OHD storage form of D  or 1,25 hormone action form of D are not conclusive for prostate cancer connections, maybe just the effect of D on free calcium (ionized) circulating levels is the marker of value, and not overall calcium or D levels. To lower free calcium, an alkaline pH is needed. This would indicate an acid forming diet may be the real culprit and not just calcium intake and vitamin D levels.  ref ref -another form of first ref

NOTE: There is a new theory in the works that says calcium and vitamin D often get the blame when it is really low magnesium and an unbalanced calcium to magnesium ratio that is the real guilty party.

  • Excess Folic Acid may increase some cancers such as colon and prostate.

 This is really no longer in question. The statistics are pretty convincing. DIETARY folate at certain levels does offer prevention or protection against DNA mutations before cells have turned cancerous. BUT, the next references show a slightly elevated risk from higher blood levels over time. ref Supplements of folic acid doubled the prostate cancer risk in one study. Plus, after cancer is present, excess supplemental folic acid might accelerate the growth rate. That point is simply not completely acknowledged yet, but why risk walking that fine line. Since you don't know if you have cancer until it gets larger at a later stage, it might be that precaution is the order of the day and safe dietary only lower levels recommended until science finds these answers. ref < the study, and next is the simple explanation of study from WebMD>  ref

Quite a few studies are available on lowering Homocysteine using vitamins B12, B6, and folic acid. Some point to slight associations for increasing prostate risk while others reveal no change. Higher blood levels of folates and vitamin B12 have also sometimes been associated with more advanced prostate cancers. ref ref  Until these issues are fully settled, the precautionary principle to only use food sources is in play and especially restrict use of supplements and never consume excess amounts. ref

Copy of study linked above: "Among the 643 men who were randomly assigned to placebo or supplementation with folic acid, the estimated probability of being diagnosed with prostate cancer over a 10-year period was 9.7% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 6.5% to 14.5%) in the folic acid group and 3.3% (95% CI = 1.7% to 6.4%) in the placebo group..." 

  • Selenium and Vitamin E on Prostate Health (SELECT Study)    

The Select Study looked at Vitamin E and Selenium for their effects on prostate health. The assumption was that earlier research had revealed a positive association of these nutrients on prostate which this study was to verify. But, this 12 year study was halted at the midpoint analysis when no positive influences were found and a slight negative one was discovered for vitamin E on prostate cancer and selenium on diabetes. ref Read more here.


UPDATE (Aug 2013): A new analysis using data from the SELECT study which tested Vitamin E and Selenium on Prostate health, has found a link between prostate cancer and higher omega 3 blood levels. ref Here is a rationale from a Doctor as to why this new report should be taken with less than a grain of salt. ref  Here is another Doctor's report on aspects of this study. ref  More research is needed to settle conflicting studies. In the meantime, a logical explanation may be forthcoming. One possibility, greater fish and fish oil consumption must also be accompanied by greater anti-oxidants to prevent the oxidation of the very large and unstable omega 3 fats. 

OF INTEREST: Fish oil supplements in order to concentrate and increase dosage, require greater processing and this influences and changes the structure of the omega 3 fats, maybe not the best approach. 

Plus, it also has to be pointed out as mentioned by one of the Doctors, not all studies of Japanese Men show reduced prostate cancer. The assumption was that since more fish is consumed, and less PC rates are present, it is the fish that is protective. Here is one town where more PC was found in men who consumed fish 4 or more times per week versus 2 or less. Maybe there is more to this fishy story. Like, are the radiation effects still a genetic factor?


It has to be pointed out here that the prostate cancer and mortality rates in the United States began declining around 1992 and have slowly been going down since then. Is it just a coincidence that reports about how bad trans-fat began surfacing at this same time? ref  Or did the low fat craze in the 1980's finally impact by lowering dairy fats enough to have a significant influence? article



Friendly Vitamins - IP6

 In the NEWS right now, Inositol and IP6 stop lung cancer growth or development in 5-6 out of 10 cases. OK, yes this was just an animal study.

Next is one of the research studies of IP6 on prostate cancers:

Inositol Hexaphosphate Suppresses Growth and Induces Apoptosis in Prostate Carcinoma Cells in Culture and Nude Mouse Xenograft: PI3K-Akt Pathway as Potential Target

Mallikarjuna Gu1, Srirupa Roy1, Komal Raina1, Chapla Agarwal1,2 and Rajesh Agarwal1,2

1 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, and 2 University of Colorado Cancer Center, University of Colorado-Denver, Aurora, Colorado

"...3-kinase (PI3K)-Akt pathway transmits growth-regulatory signals that play a central role in promoting survival, proliferation, and angiogenesis in human prostate cancer cells. Here, we assessed the efficacy of inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) against invasive human prostate cancer PC-3 and C4-2B cells and regulation of PI3K-Akt pathway. IP6 treatment of cells suppressed proliferation, induced apoptosis ... Efficacy studies employing PC-3 tumor xenograft growth in nude mice showed that 2% (w/v) IP6 feeding in drinking water inhibits tumor growth and weight by 52% to 59% (P < 0.001). Immunohistochemical analysis of xenografts showed that IP6 significantly reduces the expression of molecules associated with cell survival/proliferation (ILK1, phosphorylated Akt, cyclin D1, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen) and angiogenesis (platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 or CD31, vascular endothelial growth factor, endothelial nitric oxide synthase, and hypoxia-inducible factor-1{alpha}) together with an increase in apoptotic markers. These findings suggest that, by targeting the PI3K-ILK1-Akt pathway, IP6 suppresses cell survival, proliferation, and angiogenesis but induces death in prostate cancer cells, which might have translational potential in preventing and controlling the growth of advanced and aggressive prostate cancer for which conventional chemotherapy is not effective. [Cancer Res 2009;69(24):9465–72]

Valuable stuff this IP6 which is available as a supplement at many health food and vitamin stores, and in some whole foods. Also called phytates, IP6 has the affinity to chelate, or bind up, heavy metals and maybe other minerals too, like iron. Obviously, moderation is needed to manage it's mineral binding process, but look at these other results; ref ref  ref  ref ref IP6 is naturally found in whole grain brown rice. ref

Precaution:  Best to take IP6 separate from vital minerals due to this binding action on minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and manganese. Children are often low in zinc when on high cereal diets. Consuming a variety of foods over the day usually negates this binding potential. But, since zinc is often low in diet, extra care should be taken for children and Seniors. ref

For Women: New Breast Cancer studies

Check out this research on IP6 with inositol for Breast Cancers when used with chemotherapy drugs, 2019. Also this past study revealed that supplements of IP6 proved more effective than just a high fiber diet that contains IP6 for this positive anti-tumor action. Another small but important study: ref

Beyond BC and PC

Also included are results from small studies, ref, on melanoma, ref, on colon cancer., ref , and pancreatic cancer. ref  Eat more whole grains and legumes!


Questions on Vitamin D levels for PC

First, here is a clear reference for what you should know about vitamin D and Prostate Cancer. ref  Notice that cancer cells lower or stop the enzyme needed to convert the storage form of vitamin D into the active hormone form inside cells. It is the homrone form 1,25(OH)2D3 that prevents or slows down prostate cancer development. In test tubes, 1,25(OH)2D3 stops prostate cancer cell division.

CAUTION: The hormone form of vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D3, is not the same as the storage form of vitamin D, 25OHD3, that is increased by sunshine and supplements. The storage form is the one measured by Doctors. The hormone 1,25(OH)2D3 in the blood vessels is increased by the body when blood calcium levels are low. Plus, it is also built in about 11 different types of cells, including prostate, by an enzyme acting on the storage D form. This is why you need a certain amount of the storage form but not too much that it interferes with the hormone form when it is activated. They both travel in the blood vessels and attach to the same VDBP for transport and VDR on cell membranes. Storage form of D has a 1000 times greater attraction for VDBP than the hormone form, which has a 1000 greater attraction to VDR than the storage form. This potentially sets up a conflict between them at different levels. The storage form of D lasts many weeks while the hormone form of D only lasts hours. 

Next, This study copied below shows that while levels of D did not seem to influence overall PC rates, higher 25OHD vitamin D levels did increase the risk for the aggressive form of prostate cancer:

J Natl Cancer Inst. 2008 Jun 4;100(11):796-804. Epub 2008 May 27.

Serum vitamin D concentration and prostate cancer risk: a nested case-control study.

Ahn J, Peters U, Albanes D, Purdue MP, Abnet CC, Chatterjee N, Horst RL, Hollis BW, Huang WY, Shikany JM, Hayes RB; Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial Project Team.

Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, 6120 Executive Blvd, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. Ahnj@mail.nih.gov

Comment in:


BACKGROUND: Epidemiological studies have yielded inconsistent associations between vitamin D status and prostate cancer risk, and few studies have evaluated whether the associations vary by disease aggressiveness. We investigated the association between vitamin D status, as determined by serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] level, and risk of prostate cancer in a case-control study nested within the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial.

METHODS: The study included 749 case patients with incident prostate cancer who were diagnosed 1-8 years after blood draw and 781 control subjects who were frequency matched by age at cohort entry, time since initial screening, and calendar year of cohort entry. All study participants were selected from the trial screening arm (which includes annual standardized prostate cancer screening). Conditional logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) by quintile of season-standardized serum 25(OH)D concentration. Statistical tests were two-sided.

RESULTS: No statistically significant trend in overall prostate cancer risk was observed with increasing season-standardized serum 25(OH)D level. However, serum 25(OH)D concentrations greater than the lowest quintile (Q1) were associated with increased risk of aggressive (Gleason sum > or = 7 or clinical stage III or IV) disease (in a model adjusting for matching factors, study center, and history of diabetes, ORs for Q2 vs Q1 = 1.20, 95% CI = 0.80 to 1.81, for Q3 vs Q1 =1.96, 95% CI = 1.34 to 2.87, for Q4 vs Q1 = 1.61, 95% CI = 1.09 to 2.38, and for Q5 vs Q1 = 1.37, 95% CI = 0.92 to 2.05; P(trend) = .05). The rates of aggressive prostate cancer for increasing quintiles of serum 25(OH)D were 406, 479, 780, 633, and 544 per 100 000 person-years. In exploratory analyses, these associations with aggressive disease were consistent across subgroups defined by age, family history of prostate cancer, diabetes, body mass index, vigorous physical activity, calcium intake, study center, season of blood collection, and assay batch.

CONCLUSION: The findings of this large prospective study do not support the hypothesis that vitamin D is associated with decreased risk of prostate cancer; indeed, higher circulating 25(OH)D concentrations may be associated with increased risk of aggressive disease.


Copied here to prevent loss of link. For website> Click Here:  

"In an interview with Renal & Urology News, Dr. Albanes speculated about how higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels could increase PCa risk. One possibility is that higher levels of this form of vitamin D displaces the more bioactive hormonal form (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) from the primary vitamin D transport molecule in blood (vitamin D binding protein), so it is less available to prostate cells, he said.

In addition, vitamin D stimulates insulin receptors and promotes insulin synthesis, and studies have linked elevated insulin levels with a higher risk of PCa as well as pancreatic cancer. Therefore, higher vitamin D levels could promote cell proliferation and tumor growth in both organs through hyperinsulinemia. The strong association between higher vitamin D levels and aggressive disease would be consistent with a stimulatory effect on tumor growth, he noted.

Clinicians should “not to act on the assumption that more vitamins and megavitamin doses are necessarily always going to be beneficial,” Dr. Albanes said. They should monitor the research and base their use of vitamin D supplements in men on currently available evidence. For now, he said, doctors should be cautious in recommending high-dose vitamin D supplementation to men. ref   The chart below appears in this article.

(article conclusion) Collectively, Dr. Klein explained, the data suggest a U-shaped dose-response curve with the use of micronutrients. Among individuals with deficiencies, adding micronutrients may be helpful in preventing specific conditions, but in those who are replete (already have sufficient levels), adding micronutrients can result in harmful supraphysiologic levels. Micronutrients are not beneficial for people in between."  end of copy

Analysis: There are always possible drawbacks in every study. For this one, a high percentage of smokers and very low vitamin D levels to begin with could have compromised results, BUT there is a general trend growing mentioned by the Doctors interviewed that appears to fit for the action of vitamin D on prostate cancer risk. The precautionary principle should be at work here. ref <Check out the other nutrient associations; calcium, Vitamin E, total cholesterol, as well as vitamin D.


In men already with prostate cancer, the non-aggressive form, Vitamin D given at 4000 IUs over one year reduced the measurements of prostate cancer. Here is the study reference.  ref

While this looks to be in contrast with the above studies, there may be different aspects to Vitamin D actions at low, moderate, or very high intakes, especially at each stage of a disease process. The top two studies looked at future prostate cancer risk from different current vitamin D levels. This last study, just looked at men after they had prostate cancer and how vitamin D levels at this stage influenced the progression of the disease.

55% of subjects taking vitamin D benefited while 34% exhibited increases. This could very well be a situation where certain men might be responsive to vitamin D while others are not.

SiDEBAR: This is a known fact. Higher blood levels of the free or ionized form of calcium versus the calcium bound to protein is a marker for the aggressive form of Prostate Cancer. ref  Free calcium levels are increased with greater vitamin D intake. Even though overall calcium blood levels are under strict genetic controls, they do vary some. This is counter to the information some Nutritionist are giving for the effects of vitamin D on cancers.

There are least three concepts at play here. First, vitamin D may have unique influences on different types of cancer. Second, vitamin D intake levels might have opposite influences at different cancer stages.  A prevention action before cancer development, acceleration at early cancer growth, and later at mega-doses, it might slow progression of mature cancers. And third, either cancer cells or vitamin D influence other body processes or functions that relate to cancer growth, like glucose/insulin levels. ref  Remember, cancer cells develop the ability to speed up the destruction and elimination of the hormone form of vitamin D and also possibly reduce the building up of the storage form of vitamin D as well.

The vitamin criteria developed here considers these aspects in establishing recommendations using the precautionary principle, but medical attention and monitoring direction is paramount. There is room for greater clarification from research.

FYT: Men on Vitamin D and Testosterone

There may be an association between vitamin D levels and testosterone levels.The highest testosterone levels are found at a vitamin D reading between 34-38 ng/mL (85-95 nmol/L). Both below and above this range of vitamin D, total testosterone slowly fails. Below falls faster than above. article

But, treatment to raise testosterone with vitamin D does not always show positive results. Some are neutral. It may be that both have to be low to exhibit an increase in testosterone after optimizing vitamin D level, not too low but not too high either. Could this subtle changes in testosterone impact prostate conditions?

CAUTION for Men on Vitamin K2 concerning Prostate Cancer Connection

This is very new and still in preliminary stage of development. Osteocalcin participates in normal prostate cell growth. The two forms of osteocalcin, unOC for uncarboxylated osteocalcin, and cOC for vitamin K activated carboxylated osteocalcin appear to have opposite effects on prostate cancer growth. ref The unOC form inhibits while the cOC form stimulates prostate cancer cell growth individually in a test tube study. This at first appears to be counter intuitive since it is the cOC form that is needed to build bone but the non-bone forming unOC is the one tht stops prostate cancer growth in the study. This begins to make sense with the knowledge that prostate cancer first spreads to bones. Prostate cancer cells hijack the bone building mechanics for this process. Thus, nature knew it would be best to use the non bone builiding Osteocalcin form unOC to stop or limit prostate cancer growth and not use the cOC form as it potentially helps prostate cancer spread to the bones.

More will be forthcoming on this critical issue shortly. But the precautionary approach is of course to not take or limit vitamin K if prostate cancer is present, or a history exists in blood relatives. ref

Doctors have been testing for cOC amounts for some time as a marker for bone building. Thus, for healthy individuals, it might be prudent to take small amounts of K2 as MK7 to maintain a balance between the two forms of osteocalcin. Using diet as basis for food sources of K2 and testing for blood levels, probably only need to add 45 up to 120 mcg. Probably OK to rotate every other day or even third day after a 14 day build up. Remember, vitamin K2 also has functions in other areas such as cardiovascular disease and blood sugar control so these also need to be maintained.

FYI: Vitamins A, D, and E plus Beta Carotene have some associations with prostate cancer here. More soon!


Prostate References & Articles on this Website

You can use the WEBSITE search key to find all the prostate articles. Be sure to see the ones below:
Journal Entry by Team RightWay on December 8, 2010
A recent report from 2009 looked at the risks of dying form prostate cancer compared to the total blood levels of calcium, both ionized (most important) and protein bound. This information came out of the respectable NHANES research study. The analysis revealed increased risk of from 2 to 4 times gr ... 

Cry61 on prostate  

This link should only be used for prostate cancer patients. Includes treatments for prostate cancer that has spread to bones. ref 

***TIDBITS*** The two faulty genes so far linked to PC include HPC2-ELAC2 and RNASEL. These are very rare and only represent a tiny fraction of the estimated 9% of hereditary prostate cancers. The RNASEL gene is reponsible for the signal for cells to commit suicide under certain adnormal conditions. But in some prostate cancers, the RNASEL gene is turned off in cells on their way to becoming cancerous. ref


Vitamin K on Prostate Cancers

Initially there was quite a stir over the use of vitamin K in some cancers. Vitamin K directs many genes to build or call to action elements that work in the pathways influencing cancers. This reference lists many ways vitamin K might impact cancers. Remember that the synthetic form of vitamin K, listed as vitamin K3, is toxic and it is this toxic aspect that Scientists use in some cancers to help destroy the cancer cells, especially for cancers in the blood and liver. Vitamin K3 is NEVER used nutritionally. 

Now, the many Nutritional websites that are playing up this anti-cancer aspect of vitamin K may not be aware that some of these studies used the K3 toxic form. Yes, the nutritional forms like K2 do have some value and a review of the literature is needed to put in perspective, like reference above. Vitamin K benefits may fall in between set amounts, not too low but not too large either. A quick search revealed vitamin K acts on mostly only certain types of cancers like those in blood or liver, and of course, prostate. The next reference talks about a different function of vitamin K that might be involved in prostate problems. 

This reference talks about a possible explanation for a cause of BPH, swelling of prostate gland. Look at the dates of reference, 2015 and 2018 for this reference listed above too. The function mentioned is of vitamin K preventing calcification of arteries and veins around the prostate. This process is similar to the calcification in bone. Vitamin K inhibits this mineralization process in arteries but stimulates it in bones using two different activated mechanisms. Once testosterone gets into prostate cells, it turns into DHT and gets stuck causing inflammation. ref < plus how the drugs work.

The vitamin K mineral process somewhat relates to and brings up the issue discussed below. It is opposite.

CAUTION: Men on Vitamin K2 with Prostate Cancer

This is very new and still in preliminary stage of development. It presents how a nutrient may have both positive actions for one function and potentially negative from same function on another area. Vitamin D directs bone cells to produce Osteocalcin. Vitamin K carboxylates osteocalcin into the bone mineralization form. The Osteocalcin forms also participate in normal prostate cell growth. The two forms of osteocalcin, unOC for uncarboxylated osteocalcin, and cOC for vitamin K carboxylated osteocalcin, appear to have opposite and balancing effects on prostate cancer growth. ref (2016) The unOC form inhibits while the cOC form stimulates prostate cancer cell growth individually in a test tube study. The trick may be to get just the right amount of both vitamins D & K so a balance is maintained between unOC and cOC to build healthy bones, control prostate cell growth, and balance blood sugar, another function for osteocalcin. Research is vitally needed to see if the prostate cancer growth control by osteocalcin forms also applies in the body the same as observed in the test tube study. And remember vitamin K2 as MK7 also inhibits artery calcification to protect against heart disease.  

At the moment, the precautionary approach may be to limit vitamin K2 as MK7 if prostate cancer is present, or if a history exists in a blood relative unless under supervision by your medical team. This is opposite of many other studies that point to vitamin K2 inhibiting cancers. This needs an immediate answer to find out just what is happening since there are many supplements of vitamin K in the marketplace. Stay tuned.

Vitamin K2 protects the arteries and veins that feed the prostate by limiting calcification to prevent venous damage that can lead to backflow hormone T buildup. ref  article

The body needs some vitamin K2, and certain foods before refrigeration used to supply some, but according to this new carboxylated OC issue, not too much. Too much vitamin K2 could upset the as yet unknown balance point between unOC and cOC. This issue is under reported with very little if any public awareness. The balance point is still a mystery. This is very new research. The precautionary principle is in play.

POINT of CONCERN: Some nutrients, like folic acid and maybe vitamin K, might exhibit different effects during the disease process. Before disease, a prevention effect, during disease, an accelerating effect as cancer cells hijack nutrient functions for their own purpose, and after disease to prevent relapse. Dosages with peak benefits could also vary, with adverse effects at both too low and too high, like vitamins D and K. Since many diseases during the early stages do not exhibit observable symptoms, the precautionary approach comes into play at certain ages based upon average statistics, dietary patterns, lifestyle, and of course, family history. Work with your Medical Team to develop healthy and preventative habits. 

Major Precaution for Vitamin K supplements

This point needs to be reinforced here about Vitamin K supplements. This also would apply to other nutrients such as mentioned above about folic acid. Vitamin D directs the building of a protein, osteocalcin, that after activation by vitamin K2 into carboxylated osteocalcin (cOC) binds with calcium and other bone minerals to BUILD bone. Therefore, some vitamin K2 is needed for bone health.

The question is how much vitamin K, either K1 or K2, is needed to arrive at a healthy balance point between cOC to ucOC? Since this ratio between the two forms of osteocalcin is also involved with blood sugar control, artery wall anti-calcification, and protecting certain tissues against cancer. Taking too much vitamin K2 to build bones would increase cOC and move the osteocalcin forms ratio out of the protective zone for blood sugar regulation, artery protection, as well as jeopardize certain cancers such as prostate.

This osteocalcin ratio of vital impact on many health conditions is not getting the respect it deserves from the Scientific community. In fact, the most healthful overall ratio for cOC to ucOC is not known yet. It is amazing to learn that bone Doctors have tested for the level of cOC as a sign of the degree of bone building for many years. Unfortunately though, there was never any mention that the test was really measuring for Vitamin K activity.

This is one reason that the new vitamin criteria presented on this website promotes a precautionary dosage for most nutrients. Body wisdom should decide allocation of nutrients to the functions needed. Food nutrients slowly enter into the body while supplements are highly concentrated and often overwhelm the digestive and absorption systems, allowing more of supplemented vitamins into the body at the expense of non supplemented vitamins getting blocked out.