Challenges for Health

Every year of course has the daily grind of factors to handle. But the year 2020 saw a new challenge to health, the pandemic called COVID-19 with many extreme actions to help control. This new type of coronavirus, SARS-Cov-2, had one major difference from other past coronavirus diseases, like SARS. This COVID-19 was very easy to spread, and spread even before symptoms appeared when people did not know they were infected.
OF PARTICULAR INTEREST: It may just be a coincidence that the Science studying corona viruses had just reached a milestone recently. In 2014, corona virus research in America was halted after a faction of Scientists voiced concerns about the benefits versus risks involved with gain-of-function virus manipulation tests. This research had been attempting to create a form of virus disease that jumped from animal to animal to animal to humans so they could study for a possible preventative treatment. With the closure of the lab in America, most of the virus research continued in places like Wuhan's Institute of Virology. From 2014-2019, the first phase was completed. Thus, 2019-2020 was the beginning of the next and most dangerous phase. article Then the pandemic started. It of course became an easy assumption to link the two whether or not that is the case, fact or fiction, just based upon the timing. The truth may never be known, but these next facts sure don't calm suspicions. The Wuhan Lab may have had some event in October 2019 that closed the Lab down and cellular service in a large section of the lab buildings was absent. Then some of their Researchers became ill and required hospitalization, a few died. Next Wuhan entered into two rather large contracts, one for a larger air conditioner and filtration system and the other for a beefed up security detail. Then this next action further derails the comfort level. Wuhan shut down their website containing numerous details of their work with coronavirus composition codes and gain of function research history, which included details of the Lab work with Bats and a story of two researchers getting bitten some years before. But, no worries mate, the WHO committee investigating the coronavirus outbreak did not think these facts were related to the start of the pandemic.
Now in 2021, the consequences of Covid lock downs of society on mental and social health are beginning to manifest in dynamic life changes. With basic needs of food and shelter in jeopardy, 2020 has fundamentally changed life forever. And the system wide changes happening later this year are going to be catastrophic compared to past events. So far, the US Government's response is slightly postponing and amplifying this future situation.
The Government sent out stimulus checks to almost everyone, and then wondered why it did not stimulate the economy or create jobs as much as expected? More People spent stimulus money on durable goods rather than on service industries, which were more or less not fully opened, if at all. Thus this behavior did not grow the economy as much as expected, since most unemployed people lost jobs from the service industries.
It is paramount to immediately build up immune systems to help handle these stress adding challenges. Very little help so far is coming from Professional arenas.
On one hand, 2021 will see the roll out of unbelievable mind blowing high tech realities. Self-driving trucks are almost everywhere rolling State to State without our awareness. Domino's Pizza in Houston has a self-driving pizza delivery prototype. Self-check out stations are now operating at Costco. Arizona has a completely automated fast food outlet operational. Factory warehouses have robots picking products for online orders. Medical teams are making house-calls. People literally no longer have to leave there homes, unless they want to swim in the ocean.
Amazing as these events appear to be, they all have one very disturbing undercurrent. Less working people will be needed. Retail stores are going bankrupt and closing while online sales are booming. Many businesses did not survive the lock downs and more will soon be gone forever. And with them millions of jobs are also gone. Think about this. One Teacher on Zoom could teach a class of 100 students. Or, one A.I. unlimited knowledge Robot could teach thousands of zooming students. A worldwide blanket covering super internet is coming soon. Can you see now how Hollywood images of space aliens with big eyes and small bodies could naturally develop?
It's a brave new world. One that the current human body no longer appears to be equipped to handle without major lifestyle changes. Maybe everyone will have more time to exercise. Dietary protocols and vitamin supplements will have to adapt to deal with these new challenges. This website simply begins a process with guides to modify existing multiple vitamin supplements to benefit from the new vitamin research until...
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