New Year Health Tips

The goal is to incorporate easy steps for a 2023 healthier you instead of gargantuan New Year's Resolutions that are nearly impossible to sustain.
- Add one extra serving of vegetables 2 times a week (raw carrots and celery stocks cut up into 2 inch sticks with ice in a bowl tend to disappear over the day. Whatever is left can be chopped smaller and added to a dinner salad. Pick skinny carrots or slice lengthwise if have weak teeth)
- Add one raw serving of fruit 2 times a week (peel a tangerine or orange or put sliced banana over cereal for breakfast, or put sliced apple, seedless grapes, and blueberries in a cup, add toothpicks for Kids to cleanly eat, cut up a fresh pineapple and add small slices with meals, keep rest in freezer. While raw is best, cooked and canned is still valuable, also peaches, especially out of fresh season times, ones in light or own syrup without added sugar)
- Pick foods with less simple sugars (this one aspect will pay many benefits)
- Reduce amount of wheat by including other whole grain bakery or cereal items.
- Add nuts or nut butters (almond, cashew, sunflower) for variety to begin reducing reliance on only peanuts or peanut butter (low or no salt, and of course, no added sugar)
Pick cooking methods other than fried when eating in restaurants (such as have a salad with spring lettuces, orange slices, cranberries, and/or walnuts or pecans with meat sliced on top)
These simple choices will pay welcome healthy dividends over time. Now, if your New Year Resolutions also include taking a Multi-Vitamin, here are a few healthy tidbits. Use only IRON free formulas.. Women if need iron, take separately. Iron in multiples can react adversely with other nutrients. Most of these cost between $5 to $15 a month, except the whole food ones can be over $20 a month. Cut down suggested number of capsules to take to get nutrient amounts within new vitamin criteria guide.
Go here for Brand recommendations of MULTI-VITAMIN Healthy Choice Options
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