Prologue to Vitamin Workshop

TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 2012 AT 9:14AM
Who would benefit from the info on this Website?
- Everybody who takes a flawed multi-vitamin supplement ** ref (that means 100% of vitamin consumers)
- Everyone with a poor diet ref ref (This website promotes FOOD FIRST)
- All who want to become healthier
- People with certain genetic metabolism errors ref
- Everyone with a health condition related to diet ref
- People with elevated exposure to occupational or environmental hazards ref (detox protocols)
Why do multi-vitamin formulas have so many design flaws?
- Faulty and incomplete development of nutritional theories
- Improper interpretation for results of scientific vitamin studies
- Faults in physiology between some natural and synthetic vitamins
- Body adaptive mechanisms that overcompensate and hide faulty vitamin intake amounts
- Tunnel vision vitamin research ignores or misses adverse effects on non studied body parts
- Vitamin Health damage often takes years to manifest
- Failure of US Health Agencies to utilize new vitamin science and update nutritional recommendations
- Influence of Big Pharma in controlling the vitamin health narrative and vitamin research
- Confusing Government label box compliance regulations ref pages
- Vitamin Company cost control factors in formula development and production pages
Fundamental to discussion on vitamins:
NOTE: One of the best information resources (from a Harvard Medical report) for vitamins and minerals, including some precautions for supplements. article Vitamin Workshop presents extra points needed to explain and clarify this information into proper supplement applications.
- Health is under attack from multiple directions at the same time. Here are some of the sources and stresses working against health
- Reduced nutrient dense food choices
- Contaminated food from pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungi
- increasing drug resistance of bacterial and viral mutations
- Chemicals in foods: pesticides, hormones, toxic heavy metals, plasticizer
- Faulty use of vitamin supplements
- Extreme weather patterns
- Compromised mental integrity
- Financial economics
- Cellular microwave accumulation
- Blue light over-exposure
- Increasing genetic defects
- But perhaps the biggest impediment, US Government health Agencies operate with flawed nutritional theories that compromise health recommendations, especially concerning the development and proper use of vitamin supplements
Vitamin theories and facts today are as misleading as they were over 50 years ago. Some of the same myths still exist and even a few new ones have emerged. Plus, long term scientific research is now challenging some long established "theories" and should soon be updating vitamin facts and changing formulas. This is how the scientific method evolves and improves health. But unfortunately today there is a built-in resistance to change that is potentially jeopardizing your health.*
Intelligent vitamin choices have the power to optimize health. Unwise choices may compromise health. DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE? Where would you look to find this relatively new knowledge?
...insightful vitamin concepts...
This author asked these same questions many years ago, (2006) and failing to find any constructive unbiased answers, began the development of this website. Behind this website are over 10,000 hours of searching through thousands of published medical journal articles to discover this material. There are some novel and insightful vitamin concepts presented here not yet found covered together in any other media. Current scientific vitamin research coupled with newly uncovered body physiology adding in some good old-fashioned common sense form the backbone for this new vitamin criteria. See if you agree after reading the interpretations of linked research studies forming the base for each article.
Here is the official website ( of the U.S. Government from the Office of Dietary Supplements, a part of the National Institutes of Health. Here is their current Scoop newsletter, not much concrete, mostly sand. ref There are excellent nutrient databases and fact sheets, but missing are some of the more controversial new scientific discoveries that must still be under development and not yet offered for public discussion. See Below.
Many of these facts can be positively influenced by intelligent vitamin choices, as well as also by a proper diet. UNDERSTANDING THESE FACTS SURROUNDING CONCEPTS WILL IMPROVE YOUR CHOICES BEFORE YOU TAKE ANY VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS. These are just some of the vital vitamin aspects covered on this website with scientific study resources in support. Nutrients often have beneficial values as long as levels are in synergistic ratios with other nutrients. Yes, the body has adaptive mechanisms to deal with "unbalanced" ratios, often for long periods of time, but this takes energy and nutrients away from other vital functions.
One more thing needs to be addressed. Vitamin Health concepts developed in the last century had many flaws since the young science at the time didn't have command of enough vital influencing facts. Today modern medicine is still significantly influenced by many of these "original" flawed theories even though new research has raised many questions. Some like the germ theory worked quite well in dealing with infectious diseases at the time, but fail in the modern world with degenerative diseases dominating. Yet mainstream medicine tenaciously hangs onto old unworkable theories, unable or unwilling to let go and admit such major shortcomings. This presents a very real dilemma for your health, and is one of the rationales for this website.
Most Vitamins have a window or range of dosages between which health is maintained while BOTH lower and higher levels can induce distress, leading to disease. The Precautionary Principle is a conservative approach to supplement amounts that remain within this window for health, always on the lower side since food should supply the major amount of vitamins.
A Major Vitamin Research Dilemma
Vitamin research uses many tools to find nutritional vitamin facts. These tools include observations, dietary patterns, lab work in test tubes, studies on animals, and then with humans. Human vitamin studies are very difficult to conduct and interpret since factors like gender, genetics, gene code breaks, ethnicity, age, health conditions, dietary factors, exercise level, and intestinal bacteria load variations, all can influence results. These differences often result in a wide range of mixed results, some positive, some neutral, and some even negative. At best, maybe only generalities can be expected until many similar studies reach same conclusions. So far, very little is set in stone. This frustrates Scientists to no end. Cherry picking studies can "prove" almost any position.
This website simply attempts to find truths, as close to the actual reality as possible given current research results. Until clarification exists for many still controversial vitamin issues, the Precautionary Principle for taking vitamin supplements should remain in play. The new Vitamin Criteria incorporates this Principle. Best to cooperate with Nature until....
Rationalizing the Elephant in the Room
This is an appropriate place to address the overpowering Elephant in the Room issue that most serious discussions about health and vitamins dance around. The Government Establishment Health Agencies control health protocols and make rules and dictate what can be said about health and even what treatments are acceptable for diseases. This also includes what vitamin companies can legally say about any influence of vitamin supplements on health. Here, the Health Agencies even deny scientific research if it does not support the mainstream narrative. Why?
FYI: Check out this Notice that is required on most vitamin product labels by order of the FDA: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease." There is more to this notice that is not mentioned, "even if verified by science." The FDA will study a vitamin and discover it's functions, but will not allow any Vitamin Company to use that science and say that a vitamin helps in a given condition or disease. That part is left up to the Consumer. Isn't that what the FDA is all about, giving the Public information to keep them healthy?
*Antithesis of (Nutritional) Science
First, this is the antithesis of how science is suppose to operate. New views that challenge accepted doctrine or theories need to be debated and researched until they are either rejected and discarded or proven and become a new theory. But under the current health system, new views are more likely to be attacked and researchers discredited. Scientists studying opposite view research can be striped of future study grant funds and Doctors can be barred from hospital services or threatened with loss of practicing license. Almost any predetermined result can be orchestrated by manipulated procedures during study setup and analysis. The current vaccine mandates exhibit a prime current example of this abuse of scientific protocols.
Since Government Health Agencies control the health narrative, questions arise as to why some beneficial vitamin studies are suppressed while others are heavily promoted. This website will simply attempt to reveal that some mainstream vitamin data is incomplete and it's promotion has likely been jeopardizing Public health for quite soon time. Transparency should be a two way street. Health should be an open discussion arena and not used as a pawn in a game. So far, freedom of speech, although struggling now to remain above water, remains one of the only avenues left to complete the vitamin supplement picture and protect Public health.
This topic needs further treatment, watch for article soon. Many other articles on this website have novel stories that relate to this topic. Why does the FDA approve drugs with serious side effects but denies safer vitamin alternatives that work, although slower, for the same condition?
1. A number of the over 1000 referenced scientific studies and resource articles on this website may now be blocked out by institutional changes requiring a monthly fee to access, such as what the New York Times online newspaper now does for single articles. It will take some time to find free available resource avenues so you can once again see this vital information.
2. Whenever possible, EXAMPLES will be used to illustrate scientific study points. These examples fall into two categories. First, RLE, for Real Life Examples is the preferred type. Other times, only an OTE, for Only Theory Example will be offered. This concept is probably why nutritional science is more ART than Science. The Science part is the nuts and bolts of how a vitamin functions in the body. The ART part is due to the fact that people are different. There could be many degrees of possibilities for a body function to occur due to such things as the variables of different amounts of participating synergistic nutrients involved in that platform.
OTE: For Vitamin D conversion, these nutrients are needed: magnesium, vitamin A as 9-cis retinol, and Vitamin K2.
RLE: Some people are missing an enzyme necessary for complete body conversion of sunshine into vitamin D, regardless of the amount of the above nutrients present.
3. Numerous of the over 300 articles on this web site are now in rewrite and not available on links or searches. If PAGE NOT FOUND pops up in search box, look for a duplicate listings or similar title, such as Vitamin E Family now is Real Vitamin E. Research is rapidly evolving from only showing an association for vitamins to health conditions without known methodology into the discovery of direct chemical pathways for vitamins involved in disease processes. Also, in SEARCH box, articles that were rewritten may be duplicated but only one listing works. Also try similar sounding topics as titles may have updated as well. What's NEW tab lists all articles on this website in order that they were added.
What If... - Vitamin Workshop 101 -
AUTHOR INSIGHTS: Health and Vitamins, similar to life in general, don't always fit into nice and neat black and white facts and theories. An important concept to remember regarding this website is that when reading science research reports, everything is a matter of degrees. And that much of vitamin research results concern quite small degrees and only impact a limited number of people with either benefits or adverse effects. The majority of test subjects often appear unaffected. But then appearances don't tell the whole story. A 50% reduction in cancers doesn't mean 50% of the people in the test group, but simply the difference between the number of cancers in the test subjects versus the number in controls. This could be as few as 3 out of a 1000 or as large as 50 out of a 1000. Although any decrease or increase in disease rates is significant since we are talking about people's lives.
*NOODILZATION Literally, this might refer to the activity of politicians doodling while others are speaking, having already formed a position but still need to look the attentive participant on TV. Or, using poetic license, a new meaning might refer to politicians lacking an ethical or moral backbone, that puts ideology over Public liberty and health.
CAUTION: Do NOT open links in any added comments after articles since this is an uncontrolled part of this website. Just read the comments. This author timely deletes most but some may still be present.
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