New Chapter vs Garden of Life vs MegaFood Multiples

Head to head multiple vitamin comparisons of the Women's Formulas for these 3 food form vitamin companies..
1. Megafood (MF),
2. (tie) New Chapter (NC), and MyKind Organic Multiple (GOL)
3. Garden of Life Vitamin Code (GOL).
Since the formulas are very similar, small but significant differences decided rankings. All dosages should be cut to half of suggeted. See below pictures.
They all have some advantages, see below. But, they also have major short-comings in that they exhibit most of the major vitamin flaws presented on this website. For review, here are the major flaws:
1. Cannot verify from box label if contains natural beta carotene with both forms, all-trans and 9-cis.
2. Does not mention vitamin E family members or list amounts on label,
3. Does not list vitamin C family (bioflavonoids, ruitn) and any amounts
4. Contains non significant amounts of major minerals and lacks appropriate ratios.
5. MegaFood and New Chapter now list synthetic vitamin forms on their labels, while for Garden of Life Code Multiples, this is only found in their literature for the MyKind Organics introduction. For the MyKind form, there is only a mention in the patent description that synthetics may be added to standardize amounts. article
First product for comparison: Women's Multiple (find and click on supplement facts for labels)
MegaFood Women's label
New Chapter Women's label
Garden of Life Vittamin Code Women's Multiple Label
Since Garden of Lfie has a new Muliple line, it gets included as well
Garden of Life MyKind Women's Multiple
Analysis: All 4 products are very close in doses and at half dosage slightly better than at full suggested serving size, all four are acceptable. After factoring in the above negatives, MF is just a little bit better with lower Selenium and proper folate form. Not sufficient data to determine if beta carotene includes both forms, but have to assume not at significant amounts if both are present.
Since these are women formulas, iron is included. BUT, iron is a negative in these formulas since it oxidizes some vitamins. Better to take separately if a diagnosis of anemia. Iron containing foods best source for daily use.
GOL Code Multiple lost out with higher folate and selenium amounts.
Caution: The label reads folate, the natural food form in the ingredient box, but GOL has already admitted that this product had synthetics added to growing yeast cells during production. It may be possible for the yeast cells to convert the synthetic folic acid into the natural form folate just like what happens in the human liver, but this is not generally acknowledged. The natural may or may not have the same adverse effects as the synthetic at higher levels to stimulate cancer growth. This issue is still under study. MF has the correct form listed while NC admits the synthetic form folic acid is added to yeast, but it is at a lower amount that the body may be able to convert completely. Another reason MF gets the nod.
Just because these are whole food formulas, well but not exactly, one cannot assume that the added foods are at a significant amount to offer meaningful nutrition. The MyKind Women's Multiple is rather unique. The claim is that only foods are used to supply most of the vitamins, but see here for the reality.
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