Why Vitamin Workshop

A Novel Way to Explain the Current Multi-Vitamin Health Scenario
Picture the different Brands of Multi-Vitamins as puzzle pieces spread out on a table. The picture of health is taking shape. But where do the Multi-Vitamin pieces fit? Today, only about 4% of available Multi-Vitamin formulas are close to the right shape needed to fit into the healthy picture empty spaces. The other 96% simply do not fit into the health picture. They are missing necessary nutrients to complete and balance vitamin and mineral functions according to nature's health plan. This website references the new vitamin science that supports the proper use of the 4% healthy puzzle pieces, with methods to significantly increase multi-vitamin health benefits.
Emergence of Self-Care
In order for people to increase and promote health, they need to develop self-care behaviors and actions. This requires truthful nutrition and vitamin supplement facts. These areas unfortunately have numerous flaws today. The aricles on this website reveal this new science for the proper use of vitamin supplements with a few novel nutritional twists.
First, an Inconvenient Health Reality o
- Nutritional knowledge today contains significant errors. (support pages)
- Vitamin Supplements based upon this data are as a result, flawed.
- This also includes some medical protocols.*
- There is a growing shortage of dedicated Doctors, Nurses, and other health care professionals impacting Public Health.
- That is why Doctor appointment times are getting so far in the future that they can jeopardise conditions.
- Plus, there are currently also shortages of vital medicines, especially significant if there are no suitable alternatives.
- The overall Health Care System is beginning to breakdown. ref ref
- Medicare Advantage programs are slicing the money pie in too many pieces for all to survive.
- Government is reducing medicare payout to unsustainable levels as well as private insurance companies are failing to pay timely and some even refusing to pay for already pre-authorized procedures.**
- Over 150 small and rual hospitals have closed due to economic factors plus staff shortages.
- New types of disease causing organisms are gaining strength (virus, bacteria, and fungus)
- Some of these organisms like the yeast fungus Candida Auris are proving resistant to many modern drugs. ref
- These and other reasons are why a proactive self care immune system building protocol should be priority one as a health protective option.
- Properly used, certain vitamin supplement forms, dosages, with related synergistic nutrients have value by aiding good dietary and lifestyle practices.
- Unfortunately, most if not all multi-vitamin formulas today contain design flaws that limit vitamin health benefits. article
- Vitamin supplements offer greater prevention than as treatments or cures.
- This website presents the scientific documentation for the WHY behind these flaws and offers a guide to help reduce them.
- There are still far too many gaps in nutritional knowledge and shortcomings in current vitamin supplements. This is just a beginning for further needed professional research.
Addendum: Nature knew humans would not always have access to the proper nutrients to keep healthy, so an adaptable backup plan was installed for many body functions. This backup plan often works well for a period of time, but will eventually fail and result in disease if the body does not revert back to the primary way it was designed to function.
EXAMPLE: The blood has to contain a certain amount of calcium. When the diet is low, there are a number of ways the body can conserve calcium. One method is to take calcium out of bone storage to go into blood. If bones have plenty of calcium reserves, this would not impact overall bone health. But, if this method is used too often, bone strength would be compromised.
* Standard Medical practice operates on the premise that germs cause disease. Kill the germ and the disease is cured. But what about the Hotel that brought up the legionnaire disease situation. Everyone in the hotel was exposed to the same amount of germs in the air conditioning system, but why did only half the hotel guests came down with the disease? Therefore, the germ must only be part of the disease process. Whether or not one exhibits the disease is also determined by the immune response of the body to either allow the germs to proceed to the disease state or not.
** This is the reality why Medicare advantage plans are getting dropped by many large Doctor Groups. It is not just the lower contracted fees, they are usually the same as original Medicare, it is the pre-authorization process that can delay needed tests and procedures, plus the private health care companies that are slow in getting out payments. Original Medicare does not need pre-authorization and pays faster. It is still accepted by these medical Doctor Groups. EXAMPLE: 32,000 Seniors in San Diego with Medicare advantage just lost their Doctors for two large Scripps Medical groups.
...the germ theory is only half the disease story? Germs vs immune system
...degenerative diseases are influenced by chronic inflammation and reduced cellular energy production, areas of influence by lifestyle, diet, and also the proper use of Vitamin supplements.
...the American dietary pattern and lifestyle foster disease at rates greater than those in many other "Developed" Countries
...diet determines part of gut microbiome make up and how protective it is of body functions? article
...the intelligent use of proper dietary supplements has the ability to positively impact certain disease states?
...there is research showing that some multiple vitamin supplement formulas increase longevity.(Telomeres)
...Science routinely tests the wrong forms and dosages of certain vitamins revealing increased risk for some diseases? (Select Study)
EXAMPLE to illustrate Need: Over 50% of the USA Population is not consuming the recommended amount of magnesium. A magnesium deficiency is associated with many age related diseases: Heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and some cancers. ref
This website presents the unofficial, updated, and only slightly abridged vitamin guide that is missing due to a default of the U.S.A. Government Health Agencies*, Medical Professionals, and the Vitamin Industry to safeguard Public Health. New Scientific research is discovering numerous flaws in vitamin forms, dosages, and synergistic nutrients that represent missed opportunities for health benefits. Vitamin Supplements have greater actions for preventative measures rather than as treatment for diseases. America needs a better health care system instead of mainly disease care.
There are probably a multitude of reasons that include these: Government regulations, Government Research Grants, Conflicts of interest for Scientific Professionals, Political Campaign Contributions, and Ethics of Business Practices. Without professinals in Government Health Agencies and Vitamin industries who exhibit a high level of morals and ethics, the systems are doomed to fail.
Presenting the unofficial GUIDE to Optimize Vitamin Choices for Maximum Health Benefits
The majority of multiple vitamin Brands in the marketplace today offer basically the same vitamin formulas, just with different nutrient dosage amounts and a few different vitamin and mineral forms. A number of branches in the U.S. Government's health agencies, USDA, FDA (ref), and NIH's Office of Dietary Supplements, study and release recommendations for amounts the body needs daily of vitamins and minerals (RDA), giving a desired range from low to high consumption amounts. ref These somewhat determine multiple vitamin formulas and dosage ranges. But these agencies long ago eliminated certain natural forms of some vitamins because it appeared the body didn't need them or could get along without them through adaptive mechanisms. Recent research has shown this might have been unwise. Consuming current multi-vitamins based on the old formulas significantly misses out on many health benefits revealed by this new science. Plus, the known pitfalls in the current products can become magnified over time.
- TODAY June 21, 2022 another report from US Health Experts and a Health Agency adds to the mantra vitamins are a waste of money. Article
- 95% of supplement Beta Carotenes are synthetic and exist only in the all-trans form. article
- Carotenoids in natural foods have many forms with unique and synergistic functions; all-trans beta carotene, 9-cis beta carotene, 13-cis beta carotene, alpha carotene, etc
- Vitamin D3 is more effective than vitamin D2.
- Before vitamin D activities happen, these nutrients must be present; magnesium, 9-cis retinol (a vitamin A factor), and vitamin K2 (for bone mineralization), as well as the thyroid hormone PTH.
- The name Vitamin E and unit amounts are only given to alpha tocopherol. But Nature has 7 other related vitamin E family members, each with similar but also unique functions that the alpha tocopherol form does not do or does not do as effective (lower cholesterol, protect brain, and reduce certain cancers).
- Vitamin E in 95% of multiples exists as either mainly synthetic dl'alpha tocopheryl acetate or as an isolated natural d'alphla tocopherol. This is incomplete vitamin E. Multiples should include all 4 mixed tocopherols (alpha, beta, delta, & gamma) with given amounts listed. Plus, in addition the 4 tocotrienols (alpha, beta, delta, & gamma) should be taken separately to avoid absorption interference from tocopherols. article
- NOTE: The above mentioned vitamins are all fat soluble vitamins. They can be stored in the body for some time and thus are not needed to be consumed daily. This represents a potential flaw in daily multi-vitamins and is why lower dosages are suggested in new criteria. Plus, this is why the body would benefit from skipped days of vitamin intake. It may also prove advantageous to occasionally take a separate vitamin E family of tocopherols with a separate tocotrienols on different days. Since vitamin E members are fat soluble, it may only be necessary to take once or twice a week, determined by overall dosage totals, health factors, and dietary vitamin consumption. The correct intake amounts for many vitamins like vitamin E family members are still waiting for proper research.
- Vitamin C as ascorbic acid works best if the other related family nutrients are included, bioflavonoids, rutin, & hesperidin. article They protect vitamin C as well as have unique functions. ref
- Far to many multiples include too much calcium and not enough magnesium. The ratios of minerals to each other are critical. Some foods have excess ratios, like dairy foods, and should only play a limited role.
- Extreme mineral ratios put stress on Kidneys to maintain balance points.
- Some selenium forms are inorganic and are not recommended, like sodium selenite and selenate. These forms can be toxic at certain levels. Scientists actually use sodium selenite to create cataracts in lab animals for study. There are preferred organic forms. Selenium has a very narrow window of beneficial amounts (25 to 75mcg.) Higher amounts are known to increase risk of diabetes (SELECT study). Supplement amounts usually range from 50 mg to 200 mg. Since selenium soil content varies and this influences grown food plant amounts, this impact has to be measured for proper supplement amounts to determine if selenium supplements are even needed.
- While Vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients like bioflavonoids have health benefits, many of them are also capable of adverse effects at excessive amounts or in certain conditions.
- The Precautionary Principle is always in play which dictates lower dosages with higher amounts only under Medical supervision.
Dressing the Elephant in the Room
This is an appropriate place to address the overpowering Elephant in the Room issue that most serious discussions about health and vitamins dance around. Government Health Agencies under the goal of Pubic health make the rules about medical protocols. They establish which drugs and surgical procedures are accepted treatments for disease. This created a system that more or less pushed vitamins and other supplements such as herbals to the fringes of the medical system. These Agencies also control what can be said about the connections of vitamins and herbs to health and disease. Even if new science supports an association, it cannot be promoted unless approved. Very few are approved, and even these are often later found to have errors.
First, this is the antithesis of how the Scientific Method is suppose to operate. article New views that challenge accepted doctrine or theories need to be debated and researched until they are either rejected and discarded or proven and become a new theory. But under the current health system, new views are more likely to be attacked and researchers discredited. Scientists studying the opposite view research can be denied study grant funds and Doctors can be barred from hospital services or threatened with loss of practicing license. Scientists conducting vitamin research can reach almost any predetermined study result by manipulating procedures during study setup and analysis. Unfortunately, the current vaccine mandates are a prime example of this abuse of scientific protocols. Opposite views are not being debated plus they are eliminated from communication social platforms, even if from the leading Scientists in their respected fields.
Vitamin Companies are very limited in what they can say or use in literature about how vitamins might impact health even with supportive science.
This website will reveal that some mainstream vitamin information is simply incomplete and has been jeopardizing Public health for quite soon time.
Transparency should be a two way street. Health should be an open discussion arena and not used as a pawn in a game. So far, freedom of speech, although struggling to remain above water, remains one of the only avenues left to reveal vitamin supplement truths.
One possible way this might have occurred? Government Health Agency Professionals mainly come out of the Pharmaceutical Industry and not from the Vitamin Industry. If the Public takes vitamins and gets healthy, less drugs and medical care might be used. This can be verified by statistics in Europe where vitamins represent 8% of health money compared to only 2% in USA, with the expected resulting change in medical usage. This conflict of interest concept may also influence scientific study results.
MAJOR PREMISE OF THIS WEBSITE IN A NUTSHELL: Since some of the vitamin facts forming mainstream nutritional theories contain flaws, it is only logical that scientific vitamin research studies based upon these facts would also potentially arrive at some flawed results as well. And they did and still do!
Only a small handful of vitamin companies have ventured out of the traditional multiple vitamin box and worked to match human physiology and new vitamin science with realities of health and disease conditions. These offer multi-vitamins with improved formats and closer to proper body dosages. Finding these vitamin brands is not the simple task it should be. Roadblocks abound from vitamin marketing stories, flaws in scientific theories and research, confusing Government regulations and label requirements, plus misleading facts about format differences.
Unless one learns about the new scientific vitamin facts that now challenge some of the old faulty ones, there is less than a 4% chance of making a mostly healthy multiple vitamin choice.
...96% of Multiple Vitamins gain "Junk food" Status...
Plus, as internet vitamin offerings have expanded, picking safe and effective vitamins has become even more of a challenge. Also complicating this issue, vitamin companies have been racing to increase vitamin dosages to further confuse and bewilder customer choices. While many people believe more is better, seldom is this true for vitamins once adequate amounts are reached. Thus today, over 95% of available Multiple Vitamin products earn a rating similar to "junk food" status. Many already knowledgeable in the alternative health field probably are thinking that the somewhat new whole food multi-vitamins are the only ones that are acceptable. But, this assumption would be incorrect. article
- There are studies that reveal properly used vitamin supplements exhibit profound health building attributes. VITAMINS WORK! But, another side of the coin is also a potential.
- Supplements, simply due to their nature, may generate adverse effects if not consumed wisely and manufactured correctly. This is sometimes a direct result of how body processes work and also about how vitamins can be hijacked to help diseased cells grow. Science long ago abandoned following nature's laws and instead attempted to overpower and manipulate them.
- Some Vitamins have synergistic actions with related nutrients that dramatically increase effectiveness, like vitamin D needing magnesium, 9-cis Beta Carotene (converts to 9-cis retinoic acid), and Vitamin K2. The 9-cis Beta Carotene form is offered in less than 5% of current multiple vitamins.
- Today 100% of current multiple vitamin supplements exhibit vitamin flaws in forms, dosages, or a lack of harmony with other nutrients and body conditions.
- Sometimes these are just due to normal vitamin functions, such as how antioxidant vitamins could interfere with radicals generated by the immune system to destroy cold causing viruses. This allows colds to last longer, a proven fact.
- Or how certain vitamins that help cells divide and grow faster could be counterproductive for cancer control. SOME of THESE ISSUES HAVE NOW REACHED CRITICAL MASS.
- The task is to pick one from the 4% of multiple vitamin formulas with the least number and degree of flaws and add separately the missing nutrients to improve health benefits
1ST MAJOR VITAMIN FLAW >go here and then here
EXAMPLES where supplemented VITAMINS and MINERALS from research studies have exhibited health factor influences.
- Vitamins that protect cholesterol from oxidation (vitamins C&E, beta carotene, CoQ10) or lower cholesterol if it is high (tocotrienols, Omega 3 (plus lowers triglycerides)
- The vitamins that prevent and repair DNA damage (Vitamins B6, B12, Folate, C & E, SGS from broccoli, plus the minerals zinc & phosphorus)
- Vitamins and phytonutrients that prime the immune system or neutralize toxic chemicals (NAC, vitamins A, D, B6, C, plus beta glucans and also the mineral zinc), NOTE: NAC has some precautions and should only be used for a short time, a couple of weeks.
- Vitamins that prevent and kill potential cancerous cells (IP6 with inositol)
- Zinc is given out to children in clinics once a month in developing Countries to prevent bacterial infections and life threatening diarrhea, plus zinc helps prevent some cancers
- The minerals that prime the alkaline system to safeguard pH control, preventing pathogenic bacterial growth and related numerous conditions?
Concepts to help enhance meanings and recommendations on this website can be found in these articles: The Big Picture of health and Profound Health. This website operates on the Precautionary Principle if there is even a hint of potential adverse effects.
NOTICE: Some pages on this website go offline for periods of time to be re-worked. Return to check if back. Brand Evaluations is on holiday too.
See Scientific Status of Vitamins to find out why over 90% of multiple vitamins are now obsolete, or should be.
CAUTION: Nutritional concepts and the use of vitamins remain to this day a somewhat controversial topic. This website attempts to use physiology, scientific vitamin research, and a touch of common sense to make some reasonable deductions. Do not assume what is presented here is an absolute truth, rather just stepping stones... BUT, the most important aspect for this situation, putting this new information into practice, will be covered in a future workshop publication. Until that work, go here for the general vitamin criteria guide .
A Look at some other topics covered on this Website:
Here is another concept for supplements that is often overlooked. Vitamin supplements should harmonize with normal body metabolism and not disrupt nutrient pathways in an adverse way. Plus, they should not overtax body elimination channels, especially liver, kidneys, and bladder. This appears to defeat the benefits of the nutrients in the first place. ref OK, yes there are a few benefits from certain antioxidant nutrients with excess dosages. While the body ramps up their elimination, they would provide protection for the cells of the elimination organs. But, this might be after they have disrupted digestion, absorption, as well as assimilation channels.
INSIGHT: Most vitamins and minerals exhibit an optimal range of amounts for benefits with both too low or too high presenting problems for maintaining body health.
Unfortunately, due to just how vitamins and minerals function and are processed by the body, the current usage forms and dosages of many vitamin supplements fail in one or more of these areas. The Public should know which vitamin and mineral forms and dosages potentially may have short-comings for certain subsets of the population plus which body parts and for what conditions.
...95% of Multi-Vitamin Supplements contain errors...
As unbelievable as this sounds, this website will reveal why over 95% of Vitamin Supplements in the marketplace today contain nutrient forms and or dosages that new Scientific research has discovered should be changed. Only a few vitamin Companies apparently are even aware of this new information and have changed nutrient forms and dosages. A few needed changes are actually not new and have existed in flawed forms for over 75 years. This website links to these study results so the vitamin consuming Public can learn how to optimize choices to maximize health benefits.
- Vitamin Recommendations from Government Health agencies can be influenced by outside associations. i.e. Federal meal programs are connected to RDIs for vitamins. Meals have to supply 1/3 of RDI amounts. Any RDI increases or additions could equate to millions of dollars of extra Government expense.
- Much of the public information about vitamins and health comes from marketing spin designed to sell vitamins or related food products.
- This website begins a process to separate scientific vitamin facts and realities from advertisements that stretch vitamin truths and twist reality.
- Even Science needs to update concepts and theories since some were faulty due to limited tools and techniques available at initial development time (1940's for most) which newer research has revealed.
- What makes this endeavor such a challenge is that since people exhibit many genetic differences, absolute vitamin facts are rare exceptions and numerous generalities mainly serve as guidelines.
- Over 1000 linked Scientific Studies support the over 230 vitamin workshop website articles.
- Gathered over 40 years from 20,000 hours of Pubmed research. (Pubmed is where Science talks)
- Reporting on novel & unique vitamin truths that safeguard health.
- Some are so new that most people and far too many professionals have not yet learned about them.
* Here is list of all US government health agencies that includes the FDA. Next, here is the purpose of the U.S. FDA, Food and Drug Administration:
"The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the control and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, medical devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices, cosmetics, animal foods & feed and veterinary products."
The National Institutes of Health alone has 27 Institutes. There are thousands of Scientists and staff (64,750 in 2008) at the many Agencies and Institutes who should be able to safeguard Public health. The current state of disease statistics is not a very rousing recommendation of their success. Out of the eleven top income producing developed Countries, The US spends the most on health care by far but is at the bottom, number 11, in life expectancy. ref
Reference for FDA details on structure and functions claims for vitamin Supplements. The FDA authorized health claims for Supplements. ref <A very revealing reference for food and supplement connections to diseases. For greater vitamin product label details > ref
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