Prologue to Vitamin Workshop

(Original) TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 2012 AT 9:14AM
Some Vitamin Theories and Facts today are as misleading as they were over 40 years ago. Plus, some of the same myths still exist and even a few new ones have emerged. Also, long term scientific research is now challenging some long established "theories" and should soon be updating vitamin facts and changing formulas. This is how the scientific method evolves and improves health. But instead, today there is a built-in resistance to change that is potentially jeopardizing your health.
Intelligent vitamin choices have the power to optimize health. Unfortunately, unwise choices may compromise health. DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE? Where would you look to find this relatively new knowledge?
...insightful vitamin concepts...
This author asked these same questions over 15 years ago (2006) and failing to find any constructive unbiased answers, began the development of this website. Behind this website are over 10,000 hours of searching published medical journal articles to discover this material. There are some novel and insightful vitamin concepts presented here not found covered together in any other media. Current scientific vitamin research coupled with some good old-fashioned common sense forms the backbone for this new vitamin criteria. See if you agree after reading the interpretations of linked research studies forming the base of each article.
Here is the official website ( of the U.S. Government from the Office of Dietary Supplements, a part of the National Institutes of Health. There are excellent nutrient databases and fact sheets, but missing are some of the more controversial new scientific discoveries that must still be under development and not yet offered for public discussion. See Below.
All of these facts can be positively influnced by intelligent vitamin choices.UNDERSTANDING THESE FACTS SURROUNDING CONCEPTS WILL IMPROVE YOUR CHOICES BEFORE YOU TAKE ANY VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS. These are just some of the vital vitamin aspects covered on this website with scientific study resources in support. Nutrients often have beneficial values as long as levels are in synergistic ratios with other nutrients. Yes, the body has adaptive mechanisms to deal with "unbalanced" ratios, often for long periods of time, but this takes energy and nutrients away from other vital functions.
BEWARE: Many Vitamin Websites claiming to offer "Best" multivitamin advice or that compare Vitamin Brands can be influenced by referrals and get kickbacks if you purchase from the Brands or Amazon, etc. This creates a potential conflict of interest regarding the intent for accuracy of the information provided. This website does not sell products or get referrals or ad money or any other form of compensation. Use the information provided on this website to analyze product formulas for yourself.
Occasionally a link is provided to a website for information that does sell products and gets affiliated kickbacks and the reader is cautioned to view information sceptically when on those sites. Even though this website does not sell products, a little scepticism is also warranted as well. Use this information as a stepping stone to gain additional knowledge.
AUTHOR INSIGHTS: Health and Vitamins, similar to life in general, don't always fit into nice and neat black and white facts and theories. An important concept to remember regarding this website is that when reading science research reports, everything is a matter of degrees. And that much of vitamin research results concern quite small degrees and only impact a limited number of people with either benefits or adverse effects. The majority of test subjects often appear unaffected. But then appearances don't tell the whole story. A 50% reduction in cancers doesn't mean 50% of the people in the test group, but simply the difference between the number of cancers in the test subjects versus the number in controls. This could be as few as 3 out of a 1000 or as large as 50 out of a 1000. Although any decrease or increase in disease rates is significant since we are talking about people's lives.
One more thing needs to be addressed. Health concepts developed in the last century had many flaws since the young science at the time didn't have command of enough vital influencing facts. Today modern medicine is still significantly influenced by many of these "original" flawed theories even though new research has raised many questions. Some like the germ theory worked quite well in dealing with infectious diseases at the time, but fail in the modern world with degenerative diseases dominating. Yet mainstream medicine tenaciously hangs onto old unworkable theories, unable or unwilling to let go and admit such a major shortcoming.
This website simply attempts to find truths, as close to the actual reality as possible given current research findings. Until clarification exists for many still controversial vitamin issues, the Precautionary Principle for taking vitamin supplements should remain in play.
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